Trying Not To Love You (8)

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As Dani helps me out of the car, all eyes were glued on me.

I suddenly felt uncomfortable with all the attention on me. I was used to having a portion of attention for being the bad ass of the school, but not this many people would glance in my direction. It kind of scared me a bit.

Dani handed me the crutches the doctor had prescribed me the night at the hospital. He said that the knife in my leg had caused some minor damage to my muscle, but nothing too serious that needed surgery to fix. As for my arm, well, it was bandaged up like my leg. My arm only had a scrap of a white, thick, tissue to cover the bullet wound.

The attention people were giving me caused me to sweat a little bit. Was it because of my bandaged arm and leg? People in this school had their bones broken all the time, yet they didn't get this much attention that I was getting.

Dani slammed the car door behind me, locking it as it made a little honking sound. We then began to make our way across the parking lot. The journey to the entrance of the school was quite longer than usual. Either it was because: a) I was hopping on crutches the whole time with pain surging up my arm because of the bullet wound, or b) the student's stare were making it impossible for me to keep walking straight. I'm guessing that it was both.

Leaning in close to Dani, I whisper in her ear, "Why are they all staring at us? I know I have bandages and look a little out of order, but--"

Dani sighs and heaves her bag over her shoulder once more. She finally gets the courage to look me in the eye. "They found out."

I quirk an eyebrow at my best friend, wondering what she could possibly be talking about. "Found out? What do you mean they found out?"

She bites her lip, her bottom half of her lip tucked under her top one. "They found out about the accident the other night."

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets once Dani announced that. "What? How could they find out about the accident?"

"It was on the news." Dani explains, rolling her eyes at my stupidness. "Apparently a few of the students that attend this school were watching it a couple of days ago, and word got around like a wild fire that couldn't be distinguish."

I nod silently and continue putting my weight on my crutches. Dani opens the door for me and I walk ahead of her into the entrance, where the sea of stares continued. "It's not that big of a deal."

This time it was Dani's turn to arch an eyebrow at me. "Of course it's a big deal, Avery. You could've gotten killed."

"But I didn't."

Dani snorts loudly through her nose. "Wait until you see your extravagant locker."

Before I could ask her what she meant by that, we stopped in front of my locker. And boy, she was right about it being extravagant. Very extravagant.

I hop towards my locker with my crutches tucked under my armpits to get a closer look at the decorations. It was over-decorated with GET WELL SOON card, flowers, and even a couple of balloons. I thought it would've been easier to actually visit the hospital to give them to me instead of sticking them onto my freaking locker. It's going to take at least an hour to get the decorations down. Maybe two since I have a top locker and I'm still a disabled person on crutches. This is just great.

"Wow. This is... unexpected." I comment to Dani, reaching out to open one of the GET WELL SOON cards. "I don't really care about any of these. They're just stupid pieces of shit."

"Can I have the chocolate then?"

Looking around for the chocolate that Dani was looking for, I finally noticed the king sized bar that was taped to my locker. Stuffing it in my bag that has fallen down to my arm, I turn around on my crutches to face Ashley. "My chocolate."

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