Trying Not To Love You (7)

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The night was young and the moon was shining bright in the sky. Mom had asked me to go to the grocery store to get some extra supplies, but I ended staying there and crying on the toilet seat after looking at a package of baby diapers. Just looking at things related to babies made my cry. Pink blankets, pink dresses, diapers, cribs. Everything.

Dinner was awkward last night. Mom kept asking Hayden random question such as if he had a girlfriend. If he doesn't, did he want one. How many has he had before. But it turns out that he was still single. Ever since he was born he has been single. Hayden has been kissed, but nothing too special which he specifically said, smirking at me when he said that. I don't get why, but I have a feeling that it's to spare my 'undying feelings' he thought I had for him. I've never seen the cocky side of him, and I had just experienced it last night.

I hated it.

Drying my eyes and reapplying eyeliner, I head out the quiet bathroom. I search through the aisles as quickly as I could, wanting to get home and curl up in a ball and cry. Every time I would think about Quinn my heart would clench and my eyes would water. It's the common feeling I always have about her. The common feeling that I always had that I hated so much because I was freaking sensitive.

Getting the supplies off the various shelves, I hustle to the cashier and hand her the money. Before she could even get the plastic bag off the rack for me, I snatch it off and walk hastily towards the automatic sliding doors. Pushing past people who come in, I start to head towards the route I usually take back to the house.

Clouds fogged up the sky, making me get this creepy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I used to watch horror movies on my own to scare the pee out of me, and boy, did this feel like one of them. I could already imagine some wolf howling on a cliff to call the other mates.

As I was walking past all the closed stores that were dark and locked up, the sound of faint footsteps came into my hearing. I stop dead in my tracks. Turning around slowly, I see nothing but the rustling of dead fall leaves over the cold cement. This is all in your head Avery. Nothing's out there to get you.

I kept telling myself that as I turned around and kept on walking towards my house. The sound came again but only louder, and I was sure it was footsteps this time. My breath caught in my throat. Should I turn around to see if it's nothing? What if there's actually someone there out to get me or something, maybe try to kidnap me? No, they wouldn't do that to some innocent seventeen year old girl, right? Well, I'm not exactly innocent.

Going with my gut, I close my eyes and turn on the balls of my feet. Opening them, I see a group of guys out by the street, smoking some cigarettes and eyeing me up and down. It was a good thing that I wore a big sweat shirt and jogging pants. Nothing to exposing...

"Hey sweetie pie." one of them cooes, blowing out a puff of smoke. He sounded like he was in his mid-twenties or early thirties. Either way, I didn't have a good feeling about where this was going to be headed.

My first instinct was to turn right around and run away from them, but then again they would just chase me down and catch me. Damn men and their long, agile legs. That's another thing I hated about Hayden! Every time I tried to walk away he would just rebound and stop right in front of me. Wait... why am I thinking about Hayden when there are a group of old guys who look like they're about to kidnap me? Or worse?

"I'm not a sweetie." I snap through clenched teeth. "Now if you excuse me, I'll be on my way back to my house."

"Woah, woah, wait cutie pie-"

"Shut the hell up with the cutie pie! It's so fucking annoying!"

The same guy smirked at me. "Good. Now sweetie pie," he pauses, putting emphasis on the nickname, "how about you come back to my place and you and my guys and I could have a little fun, huh? What do you say?"

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