Trying Not To Love You (10)

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                “I don’t want you to,”

               “But I want to! Come on, Avery. Would you rather ride in my car, or walk the rest of the way home,”

                “I’d rather walk the rest of the way home,” I finalize, trying my best at crossing my arms over my chest while balancing on my crutches. My black sweater clung to the curves of my body, even though it was almost seventy degrees outside. I still had those stretch marks that I needed to get off of me. “Just leave me alone, Hayden. I’m fine.”

                “Please? It’s just a simple ride home, it can’t hurt that much. Just let me do you a favor after kind of embarrassing you in front of your special classes. I’ll drive you home today, and after that, you can ignore me all you want. Deal?”

                Mumbling under my breath, I twist my body weight on my crutches, rocking back and forth in a slow manner. “Sure, okay,”

                “Great, now hop in,” he smiles, patting the roof of his surprisingly rich-looking car.

                Rolling my eyes, he reaches out to help me with my crutches, but I hold my hand up to stop him. He has done enough for me by persuading me to let him take me on this stupid ride home. Hayden holds his hands up in surrender, keeping them up as he steps around me and heads towards the drivers side of the car, not mumbling a single word under his breath. Humph. I expected him to say something rude over ignorant, but then again, it is Hayden; the nice Hayden who kept annoying the crap out of me even though I give him the shoulder most of the time. Every time I tell someone to shut up or the flick the bird at them, they would either mutter something under the breath like I expected or walk away, not crossing paths with me again.

                “Hey, Avery, are you coming or what? Actually, don’t answer that. I’m not letting struggle all the way home in those crutches and bandages. Just get in,” he demands, leaning over to the passenger side to open the door slightly to me. “Let’s go, sweet cheeks,”

                “Don’t call me that,” I snarl. I lower myself into the car, taking the crutches out from under my armpits and putting them in second. They rested clustered in the feet opening as I reached over to shut the door loudly. The crutches that were resting tightly against my knees were beginning to bug the hell out of me. “Urgh, I hate these shitty crutches,” I mutter, attempting to move them out of my way.

                Before I knew it, they were lifted out of my sigh and a loud sound echoed through the back. Shifting in my seat, I lean over and peek my head in the back, seeing the crutches were now scattered all over the back seats. One was on the ground while the other was standing op lop-sided right on top of it. “Well that’s one way to put it,”

                I heard Hayden chuckle beside me as I shift comfortably in my seat, sitting upright and placing my hands in my lap, obeying for the first time in years. “Uh, Avery?”

                “What?” I snap at him. Wow, I didn’t even last a whole minute.

                “Aren’t you going to put your seatbelt on? I can’t drive unless you have it on,”

                “Sure you can. Seatbelts are for losers,” My eyes scan the gray belt which indeed was fastened in its lock. “Which explains why you have it.”

                “Avery, just put on your seatbelt,” he demands, leaning over my side and grasping the belt near my head.

                “No, I’m fine,” I reassure, pushing his hand away. But I was too late; he already had the buckle in his hand.

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