Trying Not To Love You (4)

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                I decided to walk to school today in order to avoid my mom from yelling 'I love you' to me every time I hop out of the car on my way to school. I cross my arms over my chest, my boots scuffling against the pavement every time I take a step. The gray clouds hover above me, as if they were watching my every room as I walk along the pavement towards the school.

                The pounding rap music fills my ears as I turn around to see a familiar car come to a stop beside me. Its shiny black hood and clean windows give the car some appeal. I clench my fist, ready to fist fight whoever decided to mug me at this time of day. I mean, when cars stop beside people who are walking calmly on a sidewalk want to mug them, right?

                The driver’s window opens, revealing the blonde boy with a cheeky smile. "Hey Avery!" the blonde boy in front of me greets. His gaze lowers to my fists. "Getting ready to punch someone?"

                "What? No, Will."

                "Then why are your fists clenched?" he smirks, nodding to my fists. I unclench them immediately and sling my bag over my shoulder.

                "Where's Dani?" I groan, getting impatient by the moment.

                "In the back seat."


                Will scratches the back of his neck. "Um, she's kind of mad at me."

                "Why the hell would she be mad at you?"


                "Because he didn't stop by for breakfast this morning!" Dani yells from the back seat.

                "Exactly." Will agrees. "Anyway, you need a ride to school? It's about to rain."

                "I'm good." I deny. I turn on my heel to start walking again, only to be startled by the loud blare of a car horn.

                Will opens the car window and sticks his hand out to motion for me to come back to the car. I roll my eyes and saunter over to the car, crossing my arms over my chest in annoyance.

                "What?" I seethe through clenched teeth.

                "Hop in the car. Don't leave me alone with him." Dani tells me from the back seat.

                'Please.' Will mouths to me pleadingly.

                I grunt, finally giving in to the annoying couple. I trudge over to the passenger side of the car and fling it open, hopping into the passenger seat.

                "Thank you." Dani tells me, propping her feet on the empty seats beside her.

                She takes a cigarette out of the pack in her pocket, lighting it quickly and blowing a puff of smoke out.

                "Baby," Will whines, rolling down her window. "You know that smoke gives me a headache."

                Dani meets her gaze with Will in the rear view mirror. "And?"

                "Please do whatever you do to stop the smoke."

                Dani snickers, shaking her head. "I'll do it at school."

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