Chapter Seven

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Read everything. This is a VERY important Chapter. Information you have been longing for happens here. Read thoroughly. 

Chapter Seven - Unedited, you have been warned. 

The day soon faded into dusk and then the black canvas night sky flooded in. Eventually stars painted their way across the never ending field of darkness, gleaming ever so effortlessly. We had slowed to a trot by this point and had barely uttered a word to one another. Raphael seemed so uninterested in this little series of rendezvous. He was only around to make sure I didn't find myself into massive amounts of trouble 

I followed the constellation maps from above-- they guided me through the dark limitless night. Raphael didn't seem to be tiring, but I surely was. Exhaustion had begun to settle into my body as my pace slugged behind Raphael who was still swiftly weaving through the trees. He was so super wolf sometimes, I questioned if his family actually partook in any ancient sacrifices. I mean, there were always rumors but I had never seen or heard about it on their pack grounds. 

For the duration of our journey, we would have to remain as wolves. It wasn't my past time to wander around the forest in my birthday suit. I didn't need anyone seeing my merchandise. 

Well you let Chandler Hogan see your goods sophomore year, my wolf spat at me angrily. I admit it now, I wasn't a virgin. I didn't save myself for "the One", my mate because I was a horn dog sixteen year old and just wanted to bang the brains out of the hottest boy in school. Surprisingly enough he fell for my bait, and let me tell you we went at it like jack rabbits. 

You went to Chandler, and now you barely want our mate to see us, she cried out with a series of loud obnoxious yelps. He was given graciously to us. 

I didn't know why. If I could personally talk to Fate, I'd ask her why out of all wolves and humans she saw Raphael fit to be with me. I would like to say we were on complete opposite sides of the spectrum. He was just so closed off and reserved to himself. He didn't like letting anyone in, and thought just because he was a big bad Alpha he could get what he wanted. I on the otherhand loved people and attempting to make connections with them. More often than not, my blunt tongue causes more distaste for me but I still tried to reach out to people.

Everyone needed someone. 

Where are we even going? Raphael said in a bored tone. I rolled my eyes at him and shook out the forest debris from my elegant white fur. He snorted at me and walked away unamused. Jeeze, lighten up!

To find answers. I gave him the most vague answer possible. As much as I needed to get a sense of where Argent land was, I didn't want to ask him. I felt like he would find something suspicious in that. He did after all assume I was an Argent, everyone did, but I denied it-- only because I had no clue what an Argent was. I barely knew a thing about them now other than they are the oldest, purest, original wolf blood line. They are related to the Goddess herself. 

We're going in circles, he growled. Someone was a little cranky. I decided it was time for the both of us to take a nice nap. We couldn't sleep all night though, we constantly had to stay on the move. 

I plopped down in the fluffiest pile of leaves, and settled in stretching my forearms out comfortably. Raphael just laid himself down a few yards away from me under  a tree. He didn't choose to find  a natural dog bed like myself since he settled for the cold hard dirt ground. I peeked over at him for a while trying to figure out his train of thoughts. He always seemed so lost in them, deeply swimming around. 

He dosed off sooner than I expected or maybe he just decided to close his eyes. Softly, I watched the  steady rise and fall of his body with every breath he took. Even as a wolf, Raphael looked so at ease and peaceful. A sharp brisk autumn breeze whipped through the area causing the leaves under me the shufle and dance across the ground. Even with a thick coat, I still wansn't acclamated to the colder temperatures. 

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