Chapter Eight - Raphael

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This is more or less a continuation of chapter seven-- except, surprise, it's in Raphael's pov. Everything will start to make sense after reading this chapter, and if it doesn't let me know and I'll add a story overview & insight for my next author's note!

Chapter Eight: Raphael - Unedited, as always. 

Cora looked at me with her dazzling green eyes in horror. They were glossy with fear, and I watched her slowly contemplate her options. Time was ticking, Cora. Her guards were all nuisances and kept trying to take me down in futile attempts. I had sheer power over them but they were slowly suffocating me with their neverending numbers. 

I sank my teeth deep into another unnarmed man barreling at me. I toseed his limp bloodied body against the white oak tree. Cora shuddered at the thud his body formed. I watched her recoil slightly before darting off into the horizon. 

The branding on my left shoulder was a dull aching burn, but it would be a reminder of everything I deserved. 

I hurt Cora out of nothinng but an anger that clouded my rationality. She was part on the one pack that held more power than mine. How was I supposed to forcibly love someone from my rival pack? I shouldn't have blamed it on her for now knowing-- she came from an already troubled and lost past. I did though, and it ticked me off that she had been denying it the whole fucking time. 

That wasn't what hurt the most though. After the series of hallucinations I had of her rejecting me, when she finally arrived I smelled his stench surrounding her. While I was locked up being tortured by images of her, she was frolicking around with him. 

I snapped at her ruthlessly. I felt like my father in that moment. 

She attacked me first though. I had every right to act in self defense. 

You actually hurt her, my wolf spat at me with a deep loathing. 

I was going to kill him for putting a strain between me and my mate. After I finished off the warriors, I fully planned on tailing Loren and skinning his little scrawny ass alive. 

His pelt would make a great new rug. 

My breathing was slightly labored from swinging wolf after wolf around either knocking them out or bleeding them out cold. The rest of the population stared wide eyed at the mountain of limp bodies, before gazing at me with fear. Blood stained the grass a deep red, and the white oak tree was splattered. It's purity was tarnished. 

I shook out my coarse black fur which caused a few bystanders to run away from the scene. With my nose up in the air, I deeply inhaled. There were a mixture of mingling scents, but none that I recognized. 

What did the bastard even smell like again?

He didn't, my wolf snapped at me. He was really judging my competence now. 

It was impossible for a wolf not to have a personal scent. Vampires didn't stink, and he was definitely not a fanged threat. 

I found a small trace of Cora's lovely infusion of rose and honey and followed that instead. Was she alright? Her strong exterior seemed like it was severely cracked. 

Coralina, I commanded her to respond to me. Wolves only respond to commands with the use of their true names. 

Not you too, she whispered sadly. My wolf whined. He was upset at me for letting her become so distraught. 

Cora, where are you? I continued weaving around the brick buildings with her scent still freshly surrounding me.

I found her before she reponsded to me. Make up was trickling down her cheeks in endless streaks. The blend of makeup masking her scar was smeared revealing the deep gash. I shuddered at the sight. I was one of the reasons she was in anguish. 

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