Chapter Ten

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And we're back to Cora--

Chapter Ten - Unedited

The dark look in his eyes shadowed any mask of the father he pretended to be. His fangs grew and sharpened with every step he took closer to me. The air around us was eerily silent, fore he didn't even crunch the leaves under his own two feet. I shivered, but not from the cold autumn air but from the man approaching me with look to kill eminent in his eyes. 

"Dad-" The monster released a low threatening growl. I gulped while slowly backing myself away from the situation. Where was Raphael? I needed him right about now. 

"Coralina, you weren't supposed to come back," He snarled wth sharp teeth snapping in my direction. I glanced around me trying to find anyone who would possibly hear my cry for help. "You were left to die. I guess I'll have to finish what I started."

I still heard nothing but screams of terror from Raphael's commotion; no one would hear me then. It would just be another sound in the mess. My back hit a hard rough surface causing me to bite back a yelp. I was cornered between Orion and a giant maple tree. 

I didn't understand what he meant by finishing what he started, what had I ever done to him? 

Orion wasted no time before lunging at me. His hands roughly gripped my shoulder and shoved it harder into the tree. He tilted my head over only to reveal the crook of my neck. Before I had anymore time to sputter words, his fangs were already deep in my neck. 

I choked on my own tears as a hot searing pain rushed through every inch of my body. I felt like I had burst into a fiery inferno. My body was throbbing from every corner, and I felt like I was on the verge of passing out. 

My wolf was howling angrily in protest, which didn't help the brain splitting head ache that had erupted. 

I woke up damp with sweat with my hair clinging to my face and back. I shivered because the room was cold, and nipping at my skin. The walls were that familiar comforting blue of Raphael's pack house. A giddy smile fell onto my lips, as I sighed with content. 

The curtains were drawn, yet I could still see the sun beginning to set behind the sheer fabric. 

Wait, what?

Did I really just sleep my day away?

My memory was incredibly fuzzy; I felt like I had woken up from a night full of booze. I still had the headache from my dream, and I didn't remember anything that happened. I remembered all too clearly, Orion brutally biting me, Rapahael rushing me to get aid and after that point my memory was dull and undefined. 

Raphael's minty, fresh rain scent hit me before his careful light footsteps did. I felt relieved that I was here with him than back at the kingdom with my wretched father and Loren. 

"Are you awake?" His deep voice caused my heart to flutter around in its cage. 

"Yes," I piped up. The doar groaned open before Raphael made an appearance. The man was clad in loose fitting jeans that barely clung to his defined hips, and a grey long sleeved body fitting shirt. His hair as usual was unkempt, and thrown all over the place. 

Those cold ocean eyes caught my breath everytime. 

"Are you okay?" Raphael said in a genuine concerned tone. 

"I don't know," My answer was honest. Who was going to be okay after a near death experience? Who was also gong to be okay with their father practically raping them? That was a no-no. I wasn't completely traumatized from the situation either, but that might've been because I was back to where I belonged. With Raphael. 

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