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Spoiler alert I die.

You're welcome for the heads up.
I just helped you out more or less, I possibly just prepared you for the biggest heartbreak you'll probably ever experience because you are guaranteed to grow attached to me.
I was told to have the tendency to leave that affect on people.
I'm also vexing and overwhelming but that's often overlooked as well.
    If you don't grow attached then you're lucky, because then this will be just a simple book and not an emotional roller coaster.

     Moving forward I die on August 23 of stage 4 cancer in Maine Coast Memorial Hospital.
It was my home since I was 15 years old.
That's when I came to realization that I was just as vulnerable to illnesses as anyone else.

Now, this isn't like 'the fault in our stars' crap because:
•I never found the love of my life
•I believe everyone has two fully functioning legs unlike Augustus Waters.
• I'm completely bald
• I die
• I have 2 friends who visit me unlike Hazel grace
• I never leave the hospital
•and a majority of my life is spent watching tv until I go to sleep.

My name is Hazina Mae King and I was only 16 when I died and there was no way I was going to overcome my death. I've sort of expected it though. I mean my great grandmother died of cancer terminal, my grandmother died of breast cancer and my mom is most likely gonna have throat cancer due to all the smoking she's been doing lately.

I mean it's cancer.

No one is officially done with cancer. There's always that one cell that's pan-resistant to all the medicines, treatments, therapudic excersies and surgeries and maybe just maybe it will rise up and kill you.

I was one hundred percent sure I was not ever gone stray away from it, you get a gut feeling deep down. Its similar to when you're having that 'oh shit' moment when you did something wrong. It feels like everything in you plummeted into your stomach including you ability to talk and think. Yeah that feeling.
     Some people could say I possibly could've survived or lasted a little while longer but just like they are entitled to their opinion I'm entitled to death.

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