Chapter 5: Frank River

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4weeks later

"I wanna see your pom poms from the stand!" I belched out to Adan who was staring at me like I was some deranged lunatic. She had come over early today so she can spend her entire day with me like a good friend. She even brought me some clothes from home because apparently I've been roaming around like 'a hobo' she says. Not only did she bring clothes but she brought me a a new lipstick color for Harry when he skypes me today. Yes Harry Styles is skyping today after 4 weeks of waiting. Harry finally was able to be contacted and agreed Skype with Adan and I. Although I was jumping up and down inside I was somewhat calm outside. I was well rested, full and everything was just swell as of right now.

"Can you like stop singing Frank River for like 5 seconds?" Adan asked standing beside me in the close bathroom stall watching me do my makeup. "Frank ocean." I corrected stopping my makeup process. "Whatever just please stop." She begged me. "Nope my darling, now tell me if this color looks good." I cheesed getting so close I pecked her cheek smearing my lipstick on her. "Yo, I will fight you." She stated rubbing her cheek free of the lipstick and glaring at me threw the mirror. I puckered my lips up and made an annoying kissy noise with my lips with my eyes closed causing her to drop her mean face and laugh at me.
We were now getting dressed in the bathroom and I was in a white lace romper and sandals and she was in a grey dress with black flip-flops.

"I'm so excited, thanks for sharing your wish for me." She said randomly popping up to wrap her arms around me. I was winded for a minute but soon I cradled my head into her neck and hugged her back. "Your my favorite person in the world. I'll do anything for you." I admitted honestly feeling her arms wrap around me tighter. "And your you my favorite person in the whole entire world too." She replied before backing up and wiping at her eyes. I couldn't help but laugh at us for getting emotional so fast over this. "Stop crying, your mascara is gonna run." I smiled wiping at my eyes and making sure my mascara didn't run. She laughed a little more then stepped back to look at us. "We look good." She said pulling her hair into a tight bun. "First let me fix my eyeshadow." I said and she grabbed a brush to help me out. She rubbed in layers on layers almost making it look nude except first the dark shadow. We were infront of the sink with the door wide open doing our make up like we were dealing with explosives. "You guys look amazing." We turned our head and I cupped my mouth and Adan wrapped her arms around me. She and I both cried and I'm sure we are ugly when we cry but we couldn't help it. It was tears of joy, disbelief and excitement. Harry Styles was standing in the bathroom door way and complimenting us. This was a long awaited moment and it's finally here. I took me a minute to process the fact he was here until my legs moved under me carrying me to him. I hugged him and he hugged me back surprised he was here. He wasn't in a stupid iPad screen, he was here face to face with me.

He was sitting in Adan's chair in black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt under a plaid red flannel, a pair of brown boots with the heel and a darker brown hat and Raybans. I couldn't help but smile and grin as I wiped away more tears as well as Adan. "Its nice to meet you Hazina, how is everything?" He asked removing his hat and pushing his large ring covered hands through his unruly chestnut curls. He looked up at me with a small grin almost making my heart stop with his charming good looks and sure I wasn't 100% sure on what words were or how to move my mouth to form them but I was sure I was a fangirling. Adan had to speak for me after letting out a breathy laugh. "Everything's fine, she's just a little bit shocked to finally see you." Adan spoke up and I nodded. "Yeah Yeah it's okay." He said sweetly standing up to walk to the window and look at the view. Harry was way better then the view of some silly bushes and mountain tops.

"So Hazina, that's a pretty name." He complimented again. At this point I was able to speak again and actually use my words. "Thank you, it's means treasure in Swalhili." I enlightened him rubbing my palms up and down my thighs. His presence made me nervous like I was gonna fart, sneeze, burp, throw up and cry all at once. "So how long have you guys been friends?" He asked looking at me and Adan sit close on my bed. We exchanged looks and smiled for some reason, It happens often when we'll just look at each other and just smile. I guess it's because we are happy to be bestfriends. "2 year and a few months." Adan answered smiling at the thought. It's like when you're in a relationship with a guy and your proud to say you've been dating for a few months but we are proud to say we have been friends for a few years.

Harry smirked and nodded. "How's your hiatus going?" I asked hoping to feel the empty silence. You would think that since we have our idol infront of us we would be blubbering and asking several questions but nope. It's been many awkward silences and unsaid questions. "Its good actually, I've been speaking with some of the guys, Louis actually said hey and he hopes to see you two soon and the other guys said hi too." Adan looked at me with a devious grin when Louis was mentioned. She was a Larry Stylinson shipper and which she believes Harry and Louis are actually dating. Absurd right? I rolled my eyes and looked back at Harry with a small smile. "Are you hungry or thirsty or anything?" I asked reaching for the remote attached to my bed to press the red button. "Uh actually yeah, just a little thirsty." He nodded. "Want anything?" I asked Adan who was snapchatting using the filters and buying new ones. "Vanilla ice cream my dear." She answered in a posh accent. "Okie dokie, Harry do you want ice cream?" I offered and he smiled nodding his head."Yeah sure." I smiled back and pressed the red button. My nurse spoke through the intercom and we requested ice cream and water.

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