21: Big Mommy Haz

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The day of the funeral after it ended Harry went to the hospital one last time to see what was left of it and ended up identifying a little letter peaking out between the mattress. He sat down on the bed and opened the line paper and felt his heart grow at the sight of her hand writing.

"Dear Harry,

I figured you'd find this letter. If your not Harry put this paper back and eventually he'll come find it. I hope.

I'll start again.

Dear bakery boy Styles,

First off I would like to thank you for spending alot of time with me and being my friend, I think you're pretty awesome for helping me cope with this. I'm probably six feet under now but if you find this before the funeral tell everyone 'big mommy Haz said what's up from the other side.'

if you don't I'll haunt you.

I'm sure Adan cried halfway through this speech but do me a favor and don't forget about her. You are a piece of me Harry and I want her to always have something to remember me by, even if it's a new friendship. Remind her that she is a gorgeous girl and that she can do better and that I suggest she give Marcus a try. Speaking of tell Mark I'm proud of him and that I have faith he'll get a scholarship. Give my mom a hug and tell my dad he meant the world to me and that it's okay to break down.

Now for you Harry. If you want to read the next section of my note I want you get on the first plane to Florida and play 'Swingin party by kindness' on repeat until you get to the SunTrust building. When you get there you can read my note but please don't cheat and go ahead and read. Do this for me."

Harry smiled down at the paper taking in all he read and what he had to do to do right by Hazina. He also laughed at certain sections. After what felt like 5 minutes of just staring at the paper he took his phone out of his pocket and dialed a combination of numbers. A few rings and then a answer.
"Jeff?" He asked.
"Yeah." The man responded.
"When is the next scene gonna be shot?"
"2 weeks from now."
"Thanks." Then he hung up and got off the bed. He made his way to the hallway and looked at security.

"Can one of you book me on the first flight to Florida."

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