Chapter 14: PNETS

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It was 2 hours after Harry left when I fell into a deep sleep. Into a really deep and probably the best I had this week.
That's all I remembered about that night before I couldn't breathe or move without feeling chest pains. All I remember was gasping for air and after what felt like years and years of crying for help a nurse came quickly into my room calling for more help. Her hands grabbed a breathing mask another doctor gave her and she quickly put it on my face so I could breath. I looked at all the unfamiliar faces in scrubs until I felt my bed move and soon Nurse Questa came into view. I reached my hand out and she quickly gripped it and suddenly my eyes began to slowly shut and my breathing evened out. All I remember seeing was Q saying I was going to be alright before I blacked out completely.

I woke up in a room on a cold hard table causing goosebumps to to spring onto my skin. I was in the CAT scan with a single light rotating around my body. My eyelids lowered a bit but then opened slowly again. I looked straight ahead to see a window of doctors and people with clipboards monitoring me. Too the left of them was a man sitting behind the computer pointing to something on the screen I couldn't see. I closed my eyes again but this time they were shut completely.

When I opened my eyes again I was being rolled back down a white hallways earning looks of sympathy which only made me grow even more scared. When I looked away from the nurses I met 5 familiar sets of bloodshot eyes. My mom and dad clinging to eachother crying and my mom reaching out to touch me but I couldn't move. "I love you baby, everything is gonna be alright don't worry." My dad cried out letting more tears stream down his face. I began to cry at his words and try even harder to move. I looked to Harry who was standing there in tears, his face wet with red blotches under his eyes and on his cheeks. He didn't say anything but try to wipe the tears that were flowing so easily. Adan was crying and trying to reach out but Harry was holding her down and reminding her everything was going to be okay but she shook her head no repeating over and over "I need to see my bestfriend, I'm suppose to be with her." My heart was shattering and tears were falling from me now uncontrollably. Marcus stood there with a stray tear and a golden trophy in his hand. He looked at me and reminded me I was gonna be just fine. It was all I saw before I was placed in a room and suddenly masked and knocked out under a bright light in my eyes. About 5 heads hovering over me in blue suits and mouth covers. My eyes slipped shut, my body was numb and hearing no longer working.

PNETS is what the problem is.

I found out after surgery but that's the only thing I was told before I was getting more test done.

PNETs contain underdeveloped brain cells, are highly malignant, and tend to spread throughout the central nervous system. These tumors often contain areas of dead tumor cells (necrosis) and cysts. Fluid surrounding the tumor is not uncommon.

Symptoms: Seizures.

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