Chapter 16: Disney Town

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Back to square one again I guess. Sitting in my room watching telenovelas and eating saltine crackers and taking more medicine. It kind of made it hard to focus on Pauline having an affair with Carlos Daniel when my mom was crying and shouting in the hallways. They must've told her I was gonna die and showed her some x-rays.

So here I am stage 4 cancer dying slowly and all I can think about was my TV show. I wanted to get out of bed but legs would surely give out on me and I wanted to give Harry a call but I know the nurses wouldn't help me. I miss Adan and Marcus so much that it makes my heart ache but no visitors.

"Hazina Mae King?" A elder man said in the doorways staring at me. I threw my cracker into the garbage and looked at him skeptical. Hair grey, that typical bald spot right in the center of his head, and wrinkling skin like he sat in bath water for two whole seasons. His glasses large framed and pushed onto his eyes that they made it look ten times its size. He was an adorable elderly man in a hospital gown just making his way into my room. "Who's asking?" I queried. He used his walker to come and sit on the end of my bed slowly, his bones cracked and a groan escaped his small mouth but he still got comfortable. He reminds me of the guy from Disney Pixar 'UP' which was cute. "A man who's heard you're dying and decided we have something in common." He joked. My lips turned up into a small smile at his words. "Don't be scared Missy Mae." He mumbled. His voice deep and tired but he had to be atlease 80 so he didn't have much energy. "I'm not."

He and I were sat on my bed beside eachother just talking about his kids and how his daughter died of the same thing I have. Turns out his name is Robert Olmsted. He was a writer when he was in his 60s but then he took sick with Thyroid cancer and hasn't had the same enthusiasm to write. He gave me his book of poems he wrote and said I could keep it, we'll technically he didn't exactly say I can keep it but instead he said "who ever dies last can keep it, but I looks likes your gonna win missy Mae." Then he let out a laugh then slowly turned the page to read me a short entry. I noticed he liked to call me missy Mae alot and when I asked him why it was because his wife was a school teacher name Reina Mae and the students would call her Missy Mae.

"So what did you waist your uh your uhm..what's it called oh your wish on?" He asked. His accent strong because he was from Holland as well as his kids Weaz and Ed. "I hope you didn't go to Disney town or whatever you call it." He said hoping he was wrong and he was. "I got to meet my favorite band member." I said. I twiddle with my gown as he had a flash of realization. "Oh, Oh yeah, many people are upset over that I hear." Robert remembered placing his finger over his lips and patting his bottom lip with his index. I furrowed my eyebrows a bit confused of what he was talking about. "What are you saying?" I sputtered. He scratched his elbow then began to talk with his hands. "Yeah, I overheard the nurses talking about how they aren't letting his call through and they wont let you speak to him because the the patients are complaining it's not fair." I looked at him in shock and disbelief before balling up my fist and feeling hot tears rolled down my eyes. "Its alright Hazzy." He said rubbing my back. I was livid at the moment and it was clear in my face as well.

1 week

It was the first day I was aloud visitors and I knew to look our for Harry who wasn't aloud here apparently. Thanks to Robert for informing me what happened because I would've been clueless.

The poor old man ended up dying the next day of heartattack leaving his book on his night stand which was delivered into my room the next day. "Haz?" A soft voiced cooed. I saw my bestfriend standing there with her arms wide and eyes blood shot and my first instinct was to run over to her and hug her tightly. "Don't cry, I'm gonna be okay." I reminded her. We stood hugging for a long time then Marcus came in and although he was 6 ft 1 he wrapped his long arms around me to hold me, of course this time he was able to show me the trophy he won at his ternament. Everyone was here except Harry until I heard the sound of doors hitting the back wall and gasp.

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