Chapter 7: 24, such an odd number

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Harry and I were playing a serious game of mancala and watching gossip girl until we found out if Blair and Chuck get together because I was supporting that collaboration, Harry was only intrested in Serena because apparently he had a really big crush on her. "Did I tell you how at an awards show she sat 3 seats behind me?" Harry asked. I rolled my eyes and picked up the marbles distributing one into each crater in the wooden board. "I'm sure her fiance Ryan was beside her as well. Anyways she's pregnant. " I sighed taking another free turn and looking at the clock wondering why Adan hasn't come yet.

Harry and I were sitting crossed legged on my hospital bed clothed aside for our shoes hogging the corner of the room. It was never a dull moment unlike yesterday but today he was early which was another reason I was eager to see Adan because this meant more time with Harry and her.

  "Did you hear about Niall and his new girlfriend?" Harry asked with a small frown spread along his is face either because he was losing horribly or he liked her. I looked back at the board and watched him play as i nodded. "She has pretty hair," I added a snapping my fingers enthusiastically and humming a upbeat tune when I won the game. "Yeah you reminded me to tell you I'm cutting my hair tomorrow." He looked up at me and grinned as i pouted and reset the board. "No don't cut it, you're Harry from one direction, famous for you hair." I exclaimed. "No I'm bakery boy Styles." He added, I couldn't help a chuckle before continuing to play the new game. "Anyways I'm donating my hair to a bunch of little princess's." He said. He was so sweet and perfect which was exactly what this world needs. I'm actually glad he isn't some publicity hog, lowkey shallow, dick I expected him to be, Instead he was just some nice and average human with a strong knack for being the best he could be. "So you're donating your hair to little girls with cancer like me?" He was hesitant before he answered yeah.
  It would take some time to warm up to being around a cancer patient and laughing at my sad since of humor and constant questions. Hopefully he doesn't warm up to me because when I die he'll be a wreck.
"Also I'm gonna be in a movie called Dunkirk soon. Its basically an army movie so maybe short hair will help me embody the rugged look." He said. I was going to proceed with more questions but soon Adan came into my room with runny mascara and knotted hair. Her hand holding her backpack of school uniform but on her she wore rollerskate's, black slacks, and her matching uniform short and hat. She looked like she seen a ghost in the middle of a chicken fight. Harry tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows. "Are you okay?" I asked. Usually she would be well put and flawless especially with any guest including a star so for her not to care about how she looks had to be serious. "I'm going to change." She said dodging my question and going into the bathroom. Harry and I exchanged looks and I shrugged because this was new to me.

  "Where does she work?" Harry asked looking at her hand peak from behind the bathroom door. She dropped her skates and closed the door again. "She works at Sonics in the next town over." I informed him continuing to wait my turn and keep my eyes from wondering down his shirt to look at his tattoos. Harry was wearing a black button up with only 3 buttons actually buttoned, a pair of black skinny jeans, brown boots and his hair pushed back by ysl sunglasses. He was hunched over and concentrating on his next move while I realized I had been staring at him for the past 4 minutes. I snapped my eyes back up to the game and took my turn. I could feel his eyes lay on me and a burning rose on my cheeks but It was settled when Adan joined us again looking alot better. "Do you wanna talk about it now?" I asked unsure and nervous of being snapped at but instead she just shook her head no and collapsed in the single cushion chaired. "Hi Harry. " She greeted curling into a ball with her waterbottle and a frown. Harry smiled and greeted her with a wave then went back to playing.
She wore a white knit kimono sweater, blue high wasted jeans and a soft pink shirt. She was bare foot because her sandals were in her bag she hadn't even bothered to fix from falling. Her hair up in a ponytail with strands in all sorts of directions unintentionally. "I want ice cream." She whined getting our attention. I sighed and pointed to the remote on the bed with 3 buttons. Harry passed it to me and I pressed the red button for my nurse to come. "Ice Cream again?" Nurse Questa said through the intercom. Harry smirked and I confirmed her assumption.

The ice cream had been delivered and Adan had been grubbing in the corner occasionally pouting. Harry had to get ready to go and I was upset because when everyone left is when I started to feel bad. I always hated when he left because that meant Adan would be leaving too. As he was leaning down to hug me Adan finished stuffing her face and started to talk. "Can you believe I had to walk from my job here?" She said catching us off guard. My eyes widen in surprise because thats a long walk especially to the hospital, like I said earlier that's a whole town over. "Why didn't you ask your boyfriend for a ride?" I asked. Harry stood in his place beside me, his lanky body stood straight watching our interaction with confusion on his face. "We broke up again." She cried a little, I wasn't sure what to say because we've been through this several times. How many times must we do this, he isn't right for you. I could tell her that until my face turned blue which wouldn't be long but she needs to pull it together. "What about the city bus?" I asked but she over dramatically got up and dragging her way over to my bed. Harry, Adan and I were back to sitting on my bed trying to piece things together. "I didn't have enough money to get on." I looked quizzically at her and thought, the bus is only $1.24 so how couldn't you get on the bus. "The bus is $1.24." I stated and Harry raised his eyebrows in shock. "Exactly, I'm too poor. I spent my last paycheck on food and clothes and yet I'm hungry and wear the same 4 shirts." She said falling back. Harry and I exchanged looks. "24, such an odd number." I stated aloud earning a glare from her. I had a hard time remaining serious at moments and it was a bad habit. "Do you have a ride back home?" Harry asked concern etched onto his face. "I have to wait until my dad gets out of work at 9 then he has to pick my brother up from my grandma's and by then it'll be 9:30 and visiting hours are over at 8." She exclaimed in between stray tears. Harry reached out to rub her shoulder and then pulled back to think. It was silent aside for my monitors beeping and the talking from the television playing. Adan looked as if she was going to full blow cry all over but she didn't so I just sat there mindlessly singing. "Your jobs a joke, you're broke, your love life d.o.a it's like you're always stuck in second gear." I sang but when I noticed her glare I stop singing and began humming the rest of the song.
  "I'll take you home." Harry stated and she was hit with a flush of relief.
Instead of him leaving he stayed a while longer entertaining me until they both left.

I changed into my hospital gown after showering and crawled back into my empty hospital room listening to the monitors and beeps behind my bed. I sat as Nurse Questa connected wires to my body, injected me with needles and gave me my pills.

It always sucked when they left because I'm lonely again.

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