Chapter 11

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Trish is sitting across from me just staring with her hands covering her mouth and her elbows resting on the tabletop and I try not to pay any attention to her and instead focus on the typing. Usually, the sounds of the keys are a relaxing sound for me but it's a bit difficult to relax when Trish is staring at me, not the mention bouncing her knee up and down quickly in anticipation and making the table shake a little. It's quiet in the library and not many people are here which distracts me a little. I can't write when it's dead quiet so I guess the clicking of the keys on my laptop is a bit more amplified than usual. Of course, there's also the fact that Trish is still staring at me and not even trying to hide it.

I keep trying to ignore Trish and even lean in farther over my laptop to try hiding her from view. She sighs impatiently, shifts in her seat, sighs again and crosses her arms. She then taps her fingers on the tabletop and leans back in her chair. I continue typing, not even glancing at her but that only makes her antsier as she lays her head on the table and taps the tabletop with her hands along to beat in her head. She sits up again and sighs, crosses her arms and tried craning her neck to see over my laptop.

"Trish," I snap at her as quietly as I can without disturbing anybody. "I can't work when you're making sounds and breathing loudly. Stop it."

"Sorry," Trish says rolling her eyes. "I'm just excited is all. Are you almost done yet?"

"Give me a minute." I continue typing out what I had in mind before I forget it and quickly read over what I've already written. The song I'm writing for Trish is one of the opening scenes when the main character, whom I find out is named Lola, wakes up to a beautiful morning in the city and gets ready for the day. It's supposed to be pretty darn happy, not to mention is was a bit of a challenge when there are multiple people singing the lines and I have to take that into account. Trish gave me some ideas for how she wanted the song to sound and I took notes, even a few recordings of me humming on my phone and playing them back for her to make sure we were on the same page. I'd been working on the song for a week, both stressing and obsessing over working on it but she promised me there were only three more songs that would be very intricate and I had no choice but to trust her on that. I still didn't have a good idea of what the production was about but I was too focused on writing to be too worried about it. I was gaining information little by little as I wrote the song and looked over the characters in Trish's scripts so as long as I had something to go off of, I was confident I would be okay.

"Okay, I think I finished it," I say leaning back from the laptop. Trish swings it around to face her and with hungry eyes looks over the song lyric for lyric, her poker face making me a little nervous. I take a drink of water from my bottle while I wait for a response and she glances up at me a second later.

"Seriously, how do you do this?" she asks with satisfaction.

"Is it good enough?" I ask. "I can change anything if you want. I kind of had a problem with the last lyric . . ."

"No, Audry, this is exactly what I was looking for lyric wise," Trish says. She clicks a few options on the page to send it to her email so she can print it out later and get it to the composer for him to write up the sheet music for and they can get started on rehearsing it.

"Well, one down, nine more, right?" I ask.

"Eight because of the one you finished that Cynthia didn't," Trish says. "But you have until the end of December to finish at least five so don't worry about it."

"As long as the others are simple enough to write like you say they are," I reply. "I can start on another one this weekend and maybe write one or two when I go home for Thanksgiving."

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