Chapter 27

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When Trish comes back into the dorm with two pizza boxes in her hands, I have to force myself not to tackle her for them and remain still in my bed, although sitting up straighter now that I could smell the pizza.

"Okay, next time," she starts as she closes the door with her foot and sets the pizza on the desk. "You go. I can't do traffic this late."

"I told you to order them instead," I reply eyeing the pizza.

"I was already on my way to fill up the car," she replies waving my suggestion away. "It was easier for you to place the order and have me pick it up."

"Well, then there's nothing to complain about it, now is there?" She sticks her tongue out at me and I hop up to grab a couple of slices of pizza and Trish sets out some plastic plates on the desk and I grab one. I plop one of each slice, one pepperoni and one chicken alfredo, onto the plate and sit back down on the bed now a happy little munchkin.

"Hey, before you get comfy," Trish says taking off her jacket and throwing it on her bed. "Could you go grab Mitch for me? See if he wants to join us?"

"Why me?" I ask around a mouthful of pizza. "He's your boyfriend."

"And he's your friend," she argues. "Besides, I'm playing hard to get."

"Hard to get?" I ask confused. "He's your boyfriend. Pretty sure you can stop playing that now."

"I can't go myself," she says rolling her eyes. "That would make me look desperate and like I want to spend time with him."

"But . . . you do," I say slowly like I'm explaining this to a five-year-old.

"Would you just go? Please, and stop talking."

"Fine," I say setting aside my plate on my bed. I stand up from my spot and slip my feet into my slippers at the foot of my bed which are big green fuzzy monster slipper boots with googly eyes on them and when Trish sees me putting them on, she opens her mouth like she's going to say something but I hold up my hand to stop her. "I'm wearing these suckers if I have to go get Mitch, your BOYFRIEND might I add. You don't get a say in my footwear." With that, I open the door and start walking towards the stairs to get the boy. I was fully aware that my slippers were probably the most embarrassing things to wear in public and I did get a few strange looks from people in the hallway and as I was going up the stairs to the boys' dorm room but I didn't care one bit. My parents had gotten me these slippers for Christmas and I had already worn them a few times even though all those times were in the dorm room and never out where people could see me in them. I wanted everyone to see my monster slippers. It was my way of standing out and I felt a little daring in them no matter how goofy they might have been. And Trish would just have to deal with it.

I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer it but I don't have to wait long before I hear a loud thud from inside the room and hear a few things fall along with a few swear words that luckily aren't anything to make my grandmother roll over in her grave.

"Everything okay in there?" I decide to ask through the door.

"Yeah, come in!" I hear Mitch answer back and I cautiously open the door and step inside. I see him sitting on the floor rubbing his knee and a few books lay at his feet. "Sorry, I tripped over my game controller."

"You sure you're okay . . ." I begin to ask before trailing off as my eyes glance around the room and I'm almost shocked at what I see. Books. Books, books, books. Books on the shelves above one bed and books on shelves above the desk. Books sitting on the nightstand and books sitting on the trunk in front of me at the foot of one bed. Even posters of classic books hang on the walls ranging from Sherlock Holmes to Charles Dickens. Mitch's side is rather bare with only a few nicknacks on his shelf above his bed and rather neat aside from a soda can and a candy wrapper on the windowsill.

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