Chapter 29

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"I'm telling you," I say once again to Trish. "He hates me."

"He seriously hasn't talked to you in four weeks?" she asks again like she still can't wrap her head around it. "That makes no sense. He's never avoided you for this long before, if at all."

"That's because he hates me," I conclude.

"He doesn't hate you. Even when this all first started he still made an effort to at least say hi to you and make sure you were doing okay."

"Trish, we have a couple of classes together and he pretends I'm not even there. I'm pretty sure if we lived on the same floor he'd still act the same."

"I still don't get it," she says shaking her head. "Do you want me to talk to him? Maybe get Mitch to get something out of him?"

"No, please don't," I reply rubbing my temples. "I don't need another headache. I already didn't get much sleep. This thing with Jace will just make things more stressful and I have an exam I have to get through."

"Did you even sleep last night?" Trish asks looking me up and down skeptically.

"No, I stayed up all night studying," I reply tired.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because, that's my thing. I study and when I don't study, I read and when I don't read, I study," I reply. "That's just the circle of life."

"You seriously need to get a hobby," she says shaking her head at me.

"I do have a hobby. It's called reading and studying."

"Well, how long do you think this is going to last for? It's been a month already and April is halfway over. Before you know it, we'll be going home for the summer and you guys will probably have only said three words to each other. And not all on the same day either."

"Just drop it, okay?" I reply standing up and grabbing my bag from beside me. "I just need to focus on class right now. If you want to talk to Jace then go right ahead. I don't even care anymore." I grab my cup of coffee from the table intending to stomp off towards class like I really don't care about anything other than class. But I grab the cup wrong and the top of the cup pops off and the cup slides from my hand and coffee spills all over the ground, my shoes, and it also gets on my jeans. I'm lucky it wasn't that hot but having coffee wet the legs of my jeans still isn't all that great either and I deflate just staring at the remains of what once was my coffee. Could this day get any better at all? Like, seriously.

"Oh, Audry," Trish says taking the empty coffee cup from me and sitting it on the table. She pulls out a bundle of napkins from her bag and hands them to me and I start patting myself down trying to soak up as much of the coffee from my jeans as I can.

"I'm fine," I say before Trish can even ask if I'm okay. "It'll dry. It's no big deal, anyway."

"I think you still have time to change before class," she says checking the time on her phone.

"No, it's fine," I say again feeling frustrated. "It's practically dry already. Come on or we'll be late."

"Audry, maybe you should take a minute to breathe," she says cautiously. "You seem really high strung at the moment."

"Just come on," I say hiking my bag onto my shoulder and balling up the wet napkins. I start walking towards class and toss the wet napkins in the garbage can nearby before airing out my hands on the way there. I squeeze a little bit of hand sanitizer on my hands to get rid of the stickiness from the coffee and sugar and tell myself it's all fine and dandy. I wasn't mad about the coffee spilling even though I was looking forward to actually drinking it. But I was having a pretty bad day already which was partly my fault for staying up so late, getting up late, and feeling tired and running off only four hours of sleep. I had no idea how this day started off so bad but I was hoping it would get better somehow. Just a little, not asking for a miracle here.   

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