Chapter 17

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"Hurry up," I say knocking on the door of the bathroom. "We don't have all day. The movie starts in an hour."

"I'm hurrying as fast as I can," Trish calls through the door. "And why do we have to go so early? It's only one o'clock and the movie, as you said, starts in an hour."

"Because I don't like being late for things," I reply checking my phone for the hundredth time.

"How are we going to be late if we're an hour early?" Trish asks. "That makes zero sense."

"Just shut up and finish your makeup already." The true reason why I was rushing her so much was simply because I wanted to have us both out of the room before Jace and Mitch came along to start decorating the room and I didn't know if maybe they'd stop by too early before we had a chance to leave. I also didn't want to risk bumping into them in the hallway or something while we were leaving so really I was rushing Trish to get ready to avoid any errors in our special birthday surprise plan we had laid out. I grab my bag and make sure I have some extra cash for some snacks since I'm treating her today with the movie and I know how much she can eat. It was her birthday after all so I wanted to be able to head her food demands. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and I pull it out to read the message:

Mitch: Please tell me you're out of the room.

Audrey: Just leaving. Hold your horses!

Mitch: So we're Texan now?

I slip my phone into my purse just as Trish comes out of the bathroom and grabs her jacket from where it hangs on the back of the chair in front of the desk.

"So, what are we seeing, again?" she asks slipping her jacket on and I toss her purse to her.

"I don't know," I shrug. "I just lied so you would get ready faster."

"I hate you sometimes," she replies.

"Yeah, I know. Let's go before we miss something." I push her out of the room and lock the door behind us. We walk to the parking lot, me looking the movies up on my phone to see what's showing and what times they all start and we decide on some new release that we've never heard of nor have seen any type of advertising for but we're sold as soon as we see a blurb reading 'Best horror film I've seen in decades'. I'm pretty sure Trish and I are going to have nightmares after seeing this movie and maybe avoid turning the lights off at night for at least a couple of weeks but it looks interesting and we're young so we don't care enough to take precautions when it comes to really creepy horror movies that will probably haunt our nightmares. So, we drive over to the theater and I text Mitch back to tell him we've officially arrived at the movies as well as the time our movie should be over and he replies back with a reminder to keep her as starved as possible so as to save room for the food we'll be eating later tonight. And I thought this was going to be a simple enough task for me to achieve. I brace myself for a number of complaints I'm going to get from Trish and we buy our tickets and I pull her with me past the concession stand pretending to be in a rush to get our seats. It's the only way I can possibly get Trish to not buy any type of snack without telling her about our surprise for her so I just ignore her protests and we find our seats.

"Can we at least get some popcorn?" she asks once we've sat down in a nearly empty auditorium and I've denied her wanting to get up to grab some candy or even a drink.

"No," I say. "Not yet. Wait until the movie starts otherwise, we won't have any for the actual movie because we've already eaten it all watching the trailers." She pauses for a moment and mulls over my point. "Fine. You make sense. But I'm getting up as soon as the trailers start at least. At least then we'll already have the popcorn and can munch on it."

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