Chapter 21

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"Are you sure you packed everything?" Trish asks for the millionth time since this morning. "Because if I have to hear you complain about how you left your book behind again I will murder you."

"Yes, I have everything including the book," I reply throwing my bag onto the floor once I finish zipping it up. "Now shut up and hang up the phone. Driving isn't any safer to do while you're driving."

"I'm at a red light," she replies. "Not breaking any laws yet. Well, not in my mind at least."

"I'd still advise you hang up the phone." I switch my phone to the other ear to grab my bag and double check I have everything I'll be needing for the time being. Trish had left earlier this morning to head home for the next couple of days for Christmas break and I didn't want to inconvenience her with tagging along. She insisted I get a ride with her but I already had plans to drive back home with Jace again and I didn't really feel like rearranging everything. Especially since my parents were already planning a special dinner for the both of us and pretty much begged me to convince Jace to stay for dinner tonight. He was more than happy to agree but also made me promise that I would have to come over to his house while we were home since I'd yet to see his house in my entire life. It was just something that never came up and he told me sometime last month that he never wanted me to come over to his house since his parents had started fighting towards the end of his senior year in high school. I figured that was the reason after he told me his parents were getting a divorce two months later when we were at Camp Brenwood last summer but I only just got confirmation.

"Okay, before I let you go," Trish says prolonging the phone call. "Have you talked to Austin lately? You've yet to mention him since the whole shoulder incident."

"No, not really," I wince. "It's still weird right now. I mean, we've passed each other in the hallway and we've sent a few texts back and forth but it's like he's avoiding me for some reason. You think I should be worried?"

"Too soon to tell. But I will say that maybe he's just feeling guilty for yelling at you and then you got hurt. He brought you some chocolate to help you cope a few days ago, right? He probably thinks you need some time to yourself. Don't worry about it, okay? Just go home and relax a little."

"You should really have your own column or something," I reply laughing a little. I can imagine Trish writing dating and relationship advice, it would probably end quite a lot of relationships because of her bluntness about her thoughts on the subject.

"Say hi to your parents for me," she says and then hangs up the phone. I check to make sure my phone is charged enough before slipping it into my bag and I straighten up the room while I wait for Jace to knock on the door so we can hit the road. I don't have to wait long before that happens and within an hour, we pack my bags into his car, start driving and only have to make a couple of pit stops along the way for gas and snacks as well as a bathroom break. We listen to the radio the entire way home and I text my parents to let them know we're on our way. The weather isn't too bad as we drive, only some rain and cooler temperatures but nothing too crazy. We talk for a little while before I end up falling asleep for the rest of the drive and I'm thankful since I feel nice and fresh once we pull up in front of my house and Jace shakes me awake. He helps bring my bags inside and my parents greet us the way they did last time we came through the door, just smiles and excitement and about a million questions. You'd think they hadn't seen us in five years even though we've only been gone for about three weeks since Thanksgiving. It was fun seeing them get excited though and I always loved how crazy my parents got whenever I came home.

While we're waiting for dinner to be ready, mom shows me all the Christmas decorations in the living room and the kitchen. It's nothing too extravagant, just some simple lights around the bottom edges of the cabinets, a few wreaths and garlands on the stair railings and on the mantel with four stockings hanging above the fireplace with our names written on each one. The tree twinkles with all the little lights and ornaments ranging from velvet red to gold to white to clear with glitter inside of them. Some music plays in the background, really setting the mood for quite the Christmas themed evening. I'm excited by all the gifts underneath the tree, my parents tended to spoil Cameron and I every holiday even though we told them to only get a few things. I guess it was part of the mourning process of us growing up so fast. I assumed it was a parental thing but I didn't exactly get them only a couple of things either. I made sure to pack my parents' gifts as safely as possible in between my clothes in my bags to protect them from any damage. I was excited to give them their gifts and it killed me to have to wait for a couple of days before they could see them but I knew it'd be worth the wait.  

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