Chapter 32

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I hold up one dress in front of me and frown at it in the mirror. I examine it at arm's length again before turning it around to the back, looking at the front again, and deciding that the color isn't right for tonight. It's a simple black dress with some glitter embellishments along the collar and a cute black belt that goes around the waist but it feels too dark. I reach to hang it on the towel rack and grab the dress next to it and hold it up against me, looking in the mirror and thinking I should've bought a dress weeks ago to wear to the opening night of the production. I scrunch my nose up at the dress and don't even bother giving it a second look before I grab both dresses and exit the bathroom back into the room. I throw both dresses onto the bed with a sigh and rest both my hands on my hips, looking between them and hoping somehow they'll magically transform into something perfect for opening night. Where was a fairy godmother when you truly needed one?

"Still haven't decided?" Trish asks where she sits on her bed and scrolls through Netflix to find something to watch while we both get ready for the show tonight that starts in less than five hours.

"Out of all the clothes I own," I say shaking my head at myself and the dresses making fun of me on the bed. "I couldn't have packed anything that was better than these two dresses. I have Cameron for a sister. You would think I would be able to pack more clothes than I actually need by this point."

"Hey!" Cameron says on the computer screen where we have the video chat up and she sits writing in her planner at her desk while talking to Trish and I while we select our outfits for tonight.

"Sorry," I apologize with a shrug.

"Both of those are really cute, Audry," Trish says standing up and coming over to look at my outfits next to me. "Like seriously, that black one could work."

"Yeah, but I'm not trying to be part of the Adams family quite yet," I reply and plop down onto my bed. "Maybe I'll just run out and buy a dress really quick. There's about a million clothing stores nearby, they're bound to have something."

"And if they don't?" Trish asks picking the black dress up and examining it before setting it down and picking up the dark green one next to it.

"Then I'll wear a bag over my head," I reply.

"Stop being so dramatic," Cameron says bringing her laptop over to her bed where she sits down and positions it on her bed so she can still see us while she writes in her planner and decorates it with stickers and washi tape. "What about that dark blue dress you brought with you?"

"I think I already packed it somewhere," I reply glancing at the boxes that surround us. "I'm telling you, the bag thing is a great idea."

"No, it's not," Trish says. "We'll just have to go shopping then. A little last minute but I think if we hurry we can find something good in time."

"Trish, what selection do you have?" Cameron asks trying to help us in our ordeal. "Do you have anything at all that Audry could borrow?"

"None of my clothes are her size," she shrugs apologetically. "They're either too long or not small enough."

"She has a good five inches on me, Cam," I point out. If I wore one of Trish's dresses then it would probably look like I had a bag on me regardless. Where things were short on her, they were the perfect length on me and she was also a medium in everything. I got the petite genes from my mom and I don't think she was even five-feet tall from what I remember. I'd have to ask dad whenever I got the chance.

"Well, I guess I'll wear the black dress, then," I sigh and pick it up from next to me to fix the belt around the waist. "I wish there was some color on it. Like a red belt or something."

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