Chapter 31

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"Alright, crunch time!" Trish yells to everyone on the stage. "We have T minus twenty-four hours before opening night and I expect perfection from all you geeks!"

"Once again, no pressure!" Fiona adds as she shuffles one of the actors on stage a little towards stage right and gives everyone a thumbs up. I decided to tag along for the final dress rehearsal for today since tomorrow was the big night and since today was the weekend and final exams were finally over with the semester officially ending in just a couple of days, it was time to start relaxing a little. It still surprised me by how much time had passed since it felt like yesterday that I was first stepping foot inside the dorm room and unpacking my bags to get ready to stay here for the next however many months. It was crazy to think that the semester was almost over already when I still felt so new to the college life. I guess coming back for the fall semester was going to be a bit of an easier transition but I was still going to miss this place even if I was back with my parents for the summer. I was looking forward to it even though I was already missing our dorm room. Trish and I had been busy packing for the past couple of weeks, getting everything in order and ready to go by putting the things we no longer needed like winter clothes into boxes to get those items out of the way. Most of our things were in boxes now but some things we were waiting until the day we left to pack up like our summer clothes and any hair tools and things of that nature. It was both exciting and sad to see our room slowly be emptied out.

"And now we can bounce," Trish says grabbing her bag from where she set it down on the seat next to me. "You ready?"

"Yeah, just let me put my notebook up," I reply and slip the notebook I was doodling in back into my bag before standing up and saying goodbye to everyone. Trish tells them once again that everyone needed to be here tomorrow by noon to start getting ready for the production tomorrow night. I was excited to see everything they'd been working so hard on for the past few months finally be unveiled to everyone. I was also excited since my parents were coming tomorrow night for the production and I was really looking forward to seeing them. They also were bringing dad's car since it had a bigger trunk so they could help me pack the boxes that were ready to go back home with them. They were coming back in a few days to help me fully move out of the dorm and bring me back home so it gave me enough time and room to pack up all the little things I still needed to take care of. They would be hauling most of my books with them as well so I was extra careful to pack them with extra sheets in between the cracks in order to prevent any damage. If one book got so much as a scratch, I wouldn't be able to function. They were my babies.

"So, are you excited about tonight?" Trish asks as we walk through the courtyard towards the parking lot. We had plans to meet up with Mitch at the pizza place we usually went to since he was getting off early from work today. We had no idea why Jace wasn't joining us since Mitch only told us he was busy doing something so we didn't question it, assuming it wasn't anything to worry about. I was a little sad though relieved that it would just be us three since I still had no idea what to say to him. I'd been thinking about it for the past few weeks against Cameron's advice since I couldn't help but think of something and yet nothing ever seemed right. Forming words on paper was so much easier than actually saying them. It wasn't like I could form the sentence and delete it if I didn't think it got my point across or said what I wanted to communicate. I needed the right words and I had none. So avoiding him was still my answer for everything. I had issues and I seriously needed to figure them out. They were getting really, seriously, annoying.   

"Yeah, I've never been to a carnival before," I answer coming out of my head.

"Are you even normal?" Trish asks shocked at my statement.

"I like to think I am. But then again, I do wish I was a dragon sometimes. That would make traveling so much more convenient."

"Wow, no wonder Jace can't get over you," she deadpans and I punch her softly in the arm.

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