Moving in...

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(Your pov)

  They didn't have to buy us a full on house they could have just bought us an apartment, honestly they're too much. "(Y/n), look at this place! It's so nice! I still can't believe they bought us a house! We can throw a party and invite people! You know what else this means!" (BF's/n) said while jumping up and down. "What?" You responded while opening up one of the boxes. "We can stay up late! We don't even need to sleep at all!" She then ran outside and you assumed she was just going to get one of the boxes out of the truck. You rolled your eyes and took out the kitchen supplies from the box and put them in their proper places. We didn't really move schools, this is like the second week of the beginning semester. We would have been here last week but my mom got the schedule wrong. So we just missed the first week of school. (BF/n) came inside with four boxes and some of the groceries we got earlier. She was walking really slow and she looked a bit constipated. "Holy shit (BF/n) what the hell?! Stop rushing and take one thing at a time!" You yelled rushing to her side. "Help! Please I really need help! I'm sorry I didn't take your advice! My week chicken legs are going to give up on me!>~<" she started to sway back and forth...then two of the boxes came crashing down. Shit! As you were about to catch it you slipped on something and fell to the ground. The box landed on your stomach. "Wait where's the other on-" Ow! The second box landed on your face. "I'm ok! Thankfully..." You got up slowly and put the two boxes on the kitchen counter. "Quick how many fingers am I holding!?" (BF/n) said with a worried look. "None..." You said while rolling your eyes. "Oh thank god... You need a ice pack?" She asked examining your face. "Nah I'm alright but next time listen to me and stop rushing things." She nodded her head and went to the two boxes on the counter. "Wait where's the other stuff you had?" You looked around and saw two men holding the boxes and grocery bags. "Oh, dang y'all are good!" I guess they really are fast. "Oh these two boxes are just filled with your cloths. Here take em take your room." She handed me the two boxes and I left to my room. At least we don't have to buy furniture. This room is awsome! The room was your two favorite colors. The drawers and closet door was dark brown wood. The bed was king sized and it matched the room. You had put all your things away and went to the kitchen. That took a little while. You checked your phone which had a (f/c) phone case,It was 3:06 PM. Wow, I didn't know I took that long. "Hey (y/n)! You finally done?" (BF/n) said while putting away the groceries. "Yeah I didn't know I would take that long, sorry." Did she unpack everything?! Wow. "It's ok. Also can we go and get some takeout? I'm too lazy to cook." She asked with puppy dog eyes. "Fine. Do we take the car or just walk?" We share the same car but she got her drivers license first so she always calls where to go first. "Let's take the car my feet don't feel like walking." Well I should go get a jacket, it looks cold. "Alright hold on a sec I gotta get my jacket real quick." I went to my room and looked for my (f/c) jacket. Aha! There you are! I wore my jacket and put my hood on. I might as well put on something other than these shorts. I grabbed my black jeans and wore them. Alright. "Ok let's go I'm ready!" (BF/n) looked at me and grabbed her keys. "You know you look like a guy. Hehe." We reached the place she wanted to go all day. "So how good is there food?" I asked opening the door for her. "I'm not sure all I know is that their fries are amazing." She stopped and looked around. "I also heard this place is usually a bit packed." Her face quickly went from happy to disappointed. I looked around and saw some of the tables pretty much full even the ones outside. "You wanted to eat here didn't you?" She looked at me and nodded her head. "Well, I'm sure somebody will leave soon then we can go sit at their table." I looked in front of us and the line was moving at a respectfully fast pace. If only these people could eat as fast. That would make everything a bit easier. About four minutes passed and we finally were at the front. "Hello, would you two love birds like to eat anything?" The cashier asked us with a smile. birds? (BF/n) nudged me and whispered in my ear. "Remember! I told you! You look like a dude with your hood on!" Oh I forgot. Whatever I just want my food. "Uhh excuse me ma'am but we aren't dating." She looked at me and just shrugged it off. Two minutes later and we were finished ordering our food. The cashier told us it might take them about five minutes to make our order. I didn't really care but (BF/n) said she'll wait inside and I can go outside or something. I pulled out my phone and started to listen to some (insert favorite genre of music here) As I was waiting two boys passed by me and walked into the place. Then (BF/n) walked out and told me to come inside. "Did you find a table or something?" I asked. "I got us a booth instead!" Even better. We sat across each other and began to eat. "Uh excuse me. Do you two mind if we sit?" A boy with a red and blues hat asked. (BF/n) looked at me and we both gave each other an awkward but confused look. "Uhh sure I guess." She said scooting over a bit. "Thanks!" One sat by (BF/n) and the other one with ocean blue eyes sat with me. "I'm Stan by the way and this is my best buddy Craig." I could see Craig starring at me in the corner of my eye. "Craig don't be rude say something!" Craig looked at Stan and stuck up the middle finger. (BF/n) giggled a bit and continued eating her burger. I kept looking down at my phone and continued to watch my little show. I didn't really eat much so I gave the rest to (BF/n) who then gave it to Stan to finish. Stan and (BF/n) kept talking and talking about their own stuff. Craig and I were just dead silent. Exactly how I like it. We sat there for a good five minutes till Stan asked us something. "So are you two dating or...?" I didn't really want to respond so I just I kept watching my phone. "We are not dating! We are just best friends...well we like to think of each other as sisters." (BF/n) said with a smile. "Oh cool...wait don't you mean brother and sister?" Stan asked (BF/n). "No I mean sisters not brother and sister." She then tried to grab my hoodie but I quickly lifted my head up and gave her a confused and angry look. Huh? I wasn't listening oh god did she say something important!? "Uhh...what happened?" I whispered to (BF/n). She starred at me then gave a devilish smile. "Don't get mad kay?" Huh? What do you mean? Just then you felt something get a grip of your hoodie. What the- Then (BF/n) pulled off your hoodie. "What the hell (BF/n) you know I hate it when people pull my hood off!" She looked at you and just shrugged like she had no part of it and looked at Stan and Craig. What are you looking at? My face flushed a bit.I looked at Stan who had his mouth wide open and was pointing at me. "Did anybody ever tell you that pointing is rude?" You asked Stan while stuffing your face with fries. Damn these are good. Then you looked at saw his whole face and just started to stare at him. His eyes... His eyes were an ocean blue and they were beautiful. You noticed it for a quick second that his cheeks turned a slight hint of pink. Then he quickly faced the other direction. I looked at (BF/n) who was looking at me then drew on a napkin and held it up to me so I could see it. 'Ohhhhhhh! Somebody has a crush!' And below it was a Lenny face '( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)'. Really? I looked at (BF/n) and flipped her off. Craig noticed and seemed to have gotten even pinker.

That is all for now mah lovely peaches till next time BYE~


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