To the beach!

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(Your pov)

I rubbed my eyes and stretched my limbs out. I slowly got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. As I finished up brushing my teeth I looked in the mirror. I then realized I was wearing an unfamiliar jacket. "When did I get this?" I questioned myself. I hugged myself tightly and mumbled,"It's so warm..." I walked out of the bathroom and into (B/F). "How'd you sleep last night?" She asked with a mischievous smirk. I gave her thumbs up and tried to walk into my room. "I see you really like that jacket!" She said aloud while entering her own room. I shrugged and went into my bedroom. I grabbed my brush and began to fix my hair. I stopped and began to remember what happened yesterday. I blushed at the sudden flashback;I gripped on the jacket tightly. This is his jacket... I took off the jacket and set it aside. In the corner of my eye I saw the bedroom door burst open. (B/F) walked in the room dramatically doing poses every now and then. She was wearing a two piece pink bikini with ruffles. She did one last pose and stopped right in front of the mirror then said,"Who's that sexy beast standing over there!? Me! It's me. You all knew it was me anyway." I laughed and complimented her. "Hurry up and put your bikini on! We gotta get going!" She rushed me. "But it's still early." I complained. "Yea but I want to be the first girl Stan will see at the beach." She whined. "Ugh! Fine..." I sighed in defeat. "First get out of my room!" I yelled while shoving her out the room. I closed the door and grabbed my bikini. I looked at it in disgust and sorrow. Oh god... I quickly got undressed and tried to put on the bikini. "What okay. I got this! Wait nope,oh geez. I think my hand goes here." I mumbled to myself. I struggled to put on the bikini for a good 10 minutes which might I add felt like an hour in hell. I looked in the mirror and examined myself. I made sure there was nothing wrong. It did have one problem...well two. One it was really revealing and two it was tight as hell! I sighed and grabbed one of my jeans and a (f/c) T-shirt. I heard a light knock on the door and looked over my shoulder. "Why aren't you wearing your bikini!?" (B/F) yelled. "I am! It's underneath these clothes geez, no need to stress about it." I replied. "Okay put on a jacket and lets go!" (B/F) exclaimed. I looked for my jacket but I couldn't find it. I would grab one of my other jackets but it was either dirty or smelly for some reason. I looked at Craigs jacket and sighed heavily. I grabbed the jacket and ran to the car. "I'll drive okay?" (B/F) said. I nodded and we drove off to the beach. As we were driving to the beach I heard a snap. I looked around in confusion. Then I touched my hair and realized my rubber band snapped. I looked on my wrists to see if I had an extra. No luck. "Hey (B/F) do you have an extra rubber band that I could borrow?" I asked. She shook her head and I sighed once more. "I do have a brush though." She said while handing me her hairbrush. "Just part your hair to the side or something." (B/F) said with a shrug. I did as she said and looked at the tiny mirror. "Hey you don't look like a boy for once!" (B/F) sarcastically exclaimed. "Oh shut up!" I yelled. We laughed and sang to the songs that would come on the radio.

(Le time skip brought to you by cookies)

We finally arrived at the beach and the first thing I saw was a group of boys with cameras and phones surrounding somebody or something. I ignored it and focused on the person running towards me. It was Blaze. "(Y/N)!(Y/N)!...hi (:3 I would do sum like dis tbh)." Blaze screamed. She pulled out her phone and took a picture of (B/F). "What was that for?" (B/F) and I asked Blaze. "Oh I just want to be the first to take a picture of (B/F)." Blaze said. "Yea still don't understand." I said. "Okay so basically people are taking pictures of all the girls so they can sell the pictures or post it on some kind of social media. Although I have a different idea! Instead I'm going to make a school magazine with all the pictures of the girls I've taken so far. Then I'll sell the magazines! So could I take a picture of you both wearing your bikinis? Not trying to be a perv or anything." Blaze explained really fast. I shook my head and told her,"No way! Besides I'm terrible at posing for pictures." Blaze looked at me then frowned and had a tiny shine in her eyes as if she were about to cry. "Oh...I understand... I'll just forget about the money I was gonna donate to the charity. You know the one with all those hungry homeless kids." Blaze slowly walked away. "Wait! Ugh fine! But you better donate at least half the money and not just a bit of it." I sighed. "Really?! Yay! Also I'm not a heartless monster I'll be donating 90% of the money!" She replied. "Now,let's go to the bathroom so you can change." Blaze said. As we walked over to the bathroom I saw a couple of people making out here and there. Get a room why don't ya!? As we walked into the bathroom Blaze got her phone ready and (B/F) was too busy texting who I can only assume was Stan. I got into one of the stalls and took off my clothes. "Stan said they're gonna be a little late because a car crash just happened and now there's traffic." I heard (B/F) say. I kept thinking of Craig and slightly cringed. "Ooh! I see a perfect spot for you guys to pose at!" Blaze fan girled. "Crap I forgot to bring a bag for me to put my clothes in!" I mumbled. "Ya need a bag? You could just use this one! I brought an extra one in case." Blaze said. She threw the bag over and caught it. I folded my clothes and placed them in the bag. "Thanks!" I thanked Blaze. I swear she's always prepared. "No I'm not." I could hear Blaze mumble. "You can read my mind!?" I screamed in shock. "What? No. I was just talking aloud cuz I got a text from my ex. Ugh. Creepy bastard." Blaze informed me. I breathed out in relief. I unlocked the stall door and got out. "Not gonna lie. If I was a guy I'd hit that." Blaze chuckled. (B/F) and I laughed. "Okay come on! See that big flat boulder? You two go stand on it and look cute." Blaze instructed. "But I don't know how to look cute!" I yelled as we walked over to the boulder. " already look cute all you gotta do is stand there!" Blaze yelled loud enough for me to hear. (B/F) posed like a professional model and had a bright smile across her face. I stood there with my hands behind my back and smiled awkwardly. "Perfect! Okay that's it." Blaze happily said. We walked over to Blaze and looked at the pictures. "Hey not bad!" (B/F) exclaimed. We walked over to what seemed like millions of benches and saw Ms.Mathews. "Hey teach! So when are we starting?" (B/F) asked. "We'll be starting in about 30 minutes or so." Ms.Mathews said gleefully. "Until then get yourselves something to eat. I would get the mango flavored ice cream if you're trying to cool off or the chocolate flavored ice cream. They surprisingly taste a lot better than expected." She recommended. We all nodded and walked over to the outdoor snack bar. We all ordered the chocolate flavored ice cream then began to chat. After a few minutes we finally got our ice cream. As I was eating my ice cream Blaze took a quick picture. "A classic!" Blaze screamed a little too loud. We all laughed then out of nowhere a huge group of boys were following Bebe over here. "I would take a picture of Bebe but I'm afraid almost everybody has taken a picture already so she's basically always." Blaze chuckled. We all smirked and tried not to laugh to loud. She still sensed our presence and gave all of us a glare especially me. As she sat down at the table one of the boys who were following her walked over to us. "Don't mind me." He said as he took about a million pictures. Some of the other boys saw us and walked over to take pictures as well then before we knew it all of them were surrounding us. "Hey back off me my friends aren't an animal exhibit!" Blaze yelled. I covered my face and walked out the place. Blaze and (B/F) followed right behind me until I realized most of them were still following us. "Stop following us you perverts!" I yelled while throwing my ice cream at them. Blaze stopped right in front of them and they all stopped in confusion. "Leave us alone or else..." She threatened them. "Or else what?" One of the boys said mockingly. She grabbed one of their phones and threw it into the ocean. "Hope you got that on camera." She said evilly. They all took a few steps back. "Wait! Can't you tell us who that girl is? We've never seen her around school." One of the boys in the front pointed at me. "No you can't know my name! I don't want to hear my name out your filthy mouths." I replied. We walked away and I heard them say,"Don't worry we'll get more pictures when she's competing against the other girls." Before I could go back and slap each and every one of those perverts I heard Ms.Mathews talking over the speaker. "Attention students of South Park high. The tournament will be starting. Sign yourself in at the booth to my left if you're a female who is participating or forced to be apart of this... In addition you can bet on who will win by going over to the booth on my right! If you aren't going to bet than at least stay and watch to cheer on your friend! Even if you don't attend to our school. Hurry up now before we start!" I ran to the sign in booth and was the first one there. (B/F) and Blaze were at the other booth so they could bet their money on me. I signed in and went over to Ms.Mathews. "So where do we contestants go?" I asked. She pointed over to the other side of the benches where the large curtains were. "Just stand behind there and wait till I call your name. After you here your name walk over here and just stand next to the rest of the girls." She explained. I nodded and waved at (B/F) and Blaze. They waved back as I went behind the curtains. I looked around and something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. It was Stan and Craig. They were in the parking lot putting on sunscreen. I completely forgot about putting on sunscreen so I looked for (B/F) and Blaze. I couldn't find them so I walked over to Stan and Craig. At first I thought Stan was running towards me but he was just going to the bathroom. I sighed and slowly walked over to Craig.

I made dis chapter extra long! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I hope you guys liked it ;w; Please comment something random...I'm bored as hell ;-; Well that's all for now. Till next time my lovely peaches~


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