What the fuck?!

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(Your pov)

Craig held me closely to his chest and covered my ears. The banging noises begun to stop. "Lil brat." I heard the man scream. Craig took his hand away from my ears but had them around my waist. "You good?" He whispered. I nodded and started whipping my tears away. I felt like I was a little kid again. Craig was so warm and he kinda reminded me of when I was little and how my mom would hold me close. He finally had let go and just sat back. "Wht was that...why did you freak out so badl?" Craig questioned. My back was turned to him so I kinda stayed quiet. I then got up and went into one of the bathroom stalls. "Hey!" He then kicked the door right as I locked it. I took off my jacket from all the heat. This bathroom seriously needs a air conditioner. Wait I think I got my charger in my backpack. In joy and excitement, I rushed out the stall but quickly tripped over Craig's leg. "Ow. Im okay-" then I forgot Craig still didn't know I was a girl. I quickly sat up and saw I was sitting pretty close to his groin. I had been sitting right on his thighs. He looked at me and we started to blush insanely. "Open up brats! I'll shoot down the door if I have to!" The gunman screamed. I began to tremble and my eyes started filling up with tears. "Fuck he's back." Craig mumbled. He started shooting at the door without warning. "The doors to thick he wont do much damage." Craig whispered to me. He spread his legs wide open and pulled close again. He then put something on my head. It was his hat. He then wrapped his arms around my waist. Then the shooting noises began too stop. Then I heard police sirens. "Crap!" Yelled the gunman as I heard load footsteps running away. Then there was a awkward silence. I then felt a hand wipe my tears. "Quit your crying.." Craig whispered into my ear. My face started to hat up and I felt awkward. "Um.." I announced awkwardly. I started to feel something poking me from behind. I turned my head a little and saw his head burried into my back. Um-uh what the fuck?! Then I felt something against my ass. I jumped up and turned around. Craig had his nose covered and his legs spread wide open. As my eyes reached his waist, I saw a bulge in his pants. I looked him in the eyes and we both started blushing even harder. "Attention all teachers, staff and students it is clear to go to your class. Just try and stay away from the cafeteria bathrooms." Announced the office. I ran out but then quickly turned around. "My baby!" I screamed while running back into the bathroom. I grabbed my charger and backpack then ran. I stopped after I passed a shit load of classes which im sure im gonna have to go to later. I pulled out my schedule and checked which class I had next. English.

~le time skip too le last period brought to you by Natsu~

It was finally time for P.E. YouI groaned at the thought of hving to actually do stuff. I went to the gym and saw some kids waiting at the door. You noticed...well more like heard two loud ass girls laughing there heads off. It was the girl from earlier and some other girl with blonde hair. I made my way to the back of the line and sat on the floor. "Ew.theres....th...bitch...." I over heard somebody say. "If you're gonna talk about me at least try and keep it low so I don't hear." I yelled. The oher people looked at me and I just glared at them. Most of them turned back around except for two girls. "Who the hell do you think you're talking too?! You better be quiet unless you wonna fight me." The blonde one said while whipping her hair out of her face. "Im talking to anybody who wants to talk about me. Just keep it down is all I'm saying. But! If you feel like just fighting instead then I respect that." I replied with a hint of sass.

Will you fight? Or will you say cheesy one liners? Find out next time my lovely peaches!~

(Craig x reader) The tomboyWhere stories live. Discover now