Chapter 20- His Voice

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"Now about that story Eric" Lucy's warm stare lands on him and Eric cringes. "Explain it to me?" She asks but he shakes his head no and doesn't meet her eyes. "It seems you're saying that my father and you're grandmother dated? That it was a short romance but he loved her? That because of the racial barrier it couldn't last? Odd that your grandmother gets raped, even odder still that you would accuse my father." She walks further into the room circling us and the smell of her floral perfume almost saturates the entire room mingling with the smell of vomit and sperm causing nausea to build in my gut. 

"And you did leave as a spy. You knew about Lucas and Matty. How would we know everything that we know if you hadn't told us?" She smirks. 

"No I didn't, everything I said was true. From what my grandmother to what my mother and Matty's uncle went through, to my genuine friendship with the people on the lacrosse team. I had escaped!!!" Eric yelled, anger swirling in the depths of his eyes. Lucy approached him with jerky, hurried foot steps and  brought her sharp, manicured nails down his chest, scratching him, causing him to yelp in pain.

"Don't you talk to me about my good for nothing brother and that stupid spick!! My father wouldn't lie!!" Angry tears running mascara tracks down her cheeks and with only her heavy breathing in the air she says nothing more and leaves the room, the sound of a lock piercing the silence. 

"I swear Matty I'm not lying." He whispers to me but I ignore him, choosing to say instead,

"Could you just find us some water we need to clean up." I don't meet his eyes so I don't catch his nod of agreement. 

"yea." He says.



"Son?!" Mr. Turner exclaims in surprise and I can feel my anger rising. this wasn't supposed to happen, I know that. 

"Yes son." Ms. Mckenzie says but anger no longer coats her voice, only a sharp, clear longing. "It was the day you decided I wasn't good enough. That was the day I found out. The day you dumped me." She finally whispers, walking away from him to the far side of the room. I sit there, silent, and I wounder if they forgot about me and Burns. 

"Anastacia" He whispers to her and inwardly I cringe at the name, at the thought that she could be in on the truth. "I'm sorry." But she just shakes her head at his words.

"It's fine, he was fine. I mean thank goodness for your father." The whole room turns, suddenly, if possible, cold at her words. Mr. Turner turns rigid, dazed as if the carpet was tugged from right underneath his feet. 

"What did you just say?" He croaked, his expression deadpan. Anastacia's eyebrows furrow as she looks around her at all of us before turning back to Mr. Turner. 

"Your father? He took care of us, and was even willing to take care of Eric while I was in college and even paid for my education. He said he would whatever he could for his grandson and if it weren't for him I wouldn't be as succesful as I am. He saved us." The more she spoke the more you could feel Mr. Turner's anger rise, eventually rolling off him in waves. 

"why would you do that? Why?!" He frantically asks, stepping closer to her, his face inches away. "You scarred him for life!" His tone suddenly turning savage causing a surprised, shocked squeek to escape anastacia before her face turns to an angry scowl. 

"You weren't there!" She yells 

"That's enough" Burns cuts them off before Mr. Turner could retaliate. "We're veering off track a little here. We need to know where the kids are. After that you can duke it out but not before." 

"He's right" Mr. Turner agrees dropping himself unceremoniously onto the chair next to my bed. 

"Any ideas Ms. Mckenzie?" Burns asks but she just shakes her head looking down at her feet. "well I guess the only choice at the moment is putting out an APV on the two kids and I'm going to need pictures to scout the area just in case any clues that may have been missed show up. All I can tell you is to sit tight and wait for word. If you guys can think of anything you have to let me know immediately." Everyone in the room nods, including myself. "Acutally why don't we just head down to the station to get those photos out and a describtion of attire before we call it a night." Another nod travels around the room everyone deep in thought and I get up to follow everyone out but Mr. Turner stops at the threshold and looks at me. 

"You're hiding something Simon, I know you are. Let's just pray that whatever it is doesn't effect me finding my little girl."

It doesn't, I want to tell him but I remain silent and watch him turn away from me. It doesn't effect her but what I know could ruin her, all because of Eric. 



"Untie me" I ask Eric as she wipes away the goo on his face using care to do teh same for me. Yet he sakes his head at my request looking remorsfully into my eyes. 

"I can't. I don't know what would happen if they find you loose." He looks away and a shiver runs up my spine when I see the hairs on his forearms stand straight up.  He turns away from me to clean the rag and continue to wipe me down, bringing the clothe down to  my neck. It causes me to take a closer look at his scars and it's scary how painful and ugly they look. What did they do to him. 

The more I looked at him the more my curiousty peeked. And jsut as I was about to ask him how he got all thsoe scars the door bursts open my mother, Lucy, strolling in. Her make up, once again, to perfection. 

"I'm so sorry for storming out like that sugar, I just.." Her eyebrows furrow as her words trail off. " Oh nevermind that." she flips a hand in the air and her southern belle smile comes into view. "You are so pretty, I swear, nothing like me. I want to know so much about you." another sweet smile and my anger roars it's ugly head. 

"I'm tied up LUCY" I scream angerily, "How exactly is this normal mother daughter talking. I mean look at Eric. Look at what your father did to him right IN FRONT OF ME!! And then you expect me to want to get to know you while I'm tied to a metal headboard!" I see pain flash through her eyes. 

"You're right." She whispers so softly I can't even be sure thats what she said. Her eyes then harden.

"Well I guess I'm going to have to untie you." She states walking towards while I try to control my face from showing surprise. She unties the knots on my wrist swiftly, a concentrated look on her face, so concentrated she didn't see me bring my fist up, as she sets me free, to punch her in the face. Scrabbling off the bed and running towards the open door, I don't look back to Eric assuming that hes right behind me. Looking left to right, ugly, peeling floral wallpaper plastered across the wall, I can't decide which direction to take before a loud, angry shriek as me diving to the right and running, hard trying to find an escape through the infinite floral maze. But I deadend more and more wondering how this inifinite labyrnith can exist, gasping for air by the time I spot a rickty stair case at the end of yet another hallway lurching forward with renewed vigor and happy anticipation, hope blossoming in my chest at what I can only think of is my freedom. When suddenly a hard hand and muscled arm brings me back hard against a hard body. 

"Now now sweet pea where is it that you think you're going." the charming southern drawl has my heart plummeting to the very hell beneath my shoes as his breath kisses my face. " I should have known you try this but after little Eric's punishment I though you would have known better." I begin to struggle against him, screaming until he clamps his hand around my mouth and nose, cutting off my breathing, "Lashes for you my pet." I stop at his words, my struggle dying but he doesn't let go until I pass out. 

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Oct 30, 2013 ⏰

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