Chapter 17- Eric

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Author's note:  Okay fans I know that I neglected this story and I feel horrible about it. I have no excuse other than utter laziness and I sincerely hope you don't hate me too much so because I love you guys and I want as much forgiveness as I can get I'm going to either make this chapter extra long or upload two in the next few days. 

Love you guys



I was laying in bed when I got the call from Eric. 

"Hello" I say into the phone, trying and failing to keep the agony from my voice. 

"What's wrongm?" Eric asks me immediately worry laced in his voice and I sigh sadly a part of me admiting that I would miss this boy as well and I knew he had a right to know. 

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning for good." Silence creeps through the phone line and I worry that maybe the call dropped or, sadly, he hung up on me so I'm prompted to say hello in a quiet whisper. 

"I'm here" He says softly and pauses before continuing "that's really sudden Matilda. What about summer school? What about your friends? What about Simon?" He asks but his tone of voice makes me think that that wasn't what he really wanted to ask though I don't push anything else out of him, too tired to do so.

"Unfortunately none of that matters" She whispers, her silent agony over the situation burning her deep. "I guess this is goodbye." Her words are met with more silence. 

"Hello" She prompts. 

"Matty" Eric whispers, his voice sounding thick. "Please let me come see you"

I think it over quickly, my chest burning with the answer I want to give him before going with the answer my brain offers. 

"No" I say softly and I can hear the protest forming in his words before I cut him off and continue. "I can't Eric I'm already dealing with leaving Simon behind I don't need to the confusion and if I'm honest with you it would be in no way fair to Simon."

"Please" He begs and the sadness in his voice almost makes me reconsider until I see Simon's tear stained face in my memory and harden my resolve. 

"I'm sorry Eric really I am but I just can't. For what it's worth that one night you gave me was amazing. You made me feel like a normal teenager for once since all this happened and for that I will always be grateful." I say sincerely to him my own voice thick and I can hear him suck in a ragged breath.

"Matty I meant what I said in the hospital I can take you away from all this and I will forever be by your side" At his words my chest tightens at the memory and it sounds so tempting, so inviting. 

"I know Eric and a part of me wants that but what I have with Simon is important to me and I'm not willing to give that up." I say and then softly continue, "I'm sorry Eric good-bye" I hang up quickly pressing ignore when he calls me quickly back and just lay in bed thinking of the events of today. Four months had gone by without incident. Four glorious months of peace besides, of course, Simon being in the hospital marring the picture only slightly. Now I has to go away because of one phone call, because of one man. I had thought this nightmare ended with Lucas but I should have known better, my life just wasn't going to be the same. 

Now I has to leave without being able to walk out hand in hand with Simon when he was finally realeased from that horrible hospital room. I had to leave before we finally made it official. I had to leave before we really bloosmed. 

I wanted to hold him, to see him, kiss him just one last time and as I hear Dad's muffled snores from down the hall I make a split second decsion. I quickly get up from my queen sized bed to pull on a pair of jeans and a plain white shirt, tucking my feet into my worn out flats and tip toe through my bedroom door to the front door downstairs. I quickly grab Lucas's car keys that are laid out on the wooden table by the door before silently walking out the front spotting his red sports car next to my fathers in the driveway. Pushing the gear into nuetral (something Lucas and I used to do when sneaking out to the raves he used to throw) I rolled it out to the curb, not easily done with just me doing the job, before starting it and quickly driving off.

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