Chapter 4- The truth

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Authors note:   I was continuously listening to 'Until the Day I Die' by Story of The Year while typing out this chapter. Consider it the them song of the chapter. Any way vote/comment but if you don't I won't beg (that's a lie i'm begging on my knees at this very momment). 

As for my fans who are way far along, Stop grining so wickedly cause you know whats coming. Thats just mean lol. 


PS- yea nothing is proof read. my punctuation probably sucks balls too


Cold fingers are probing me and I gasp, terrified. I lash out when I feel another set of hands take mine. I struggle, striving, to break free. 

"Matty! Matty! Calm down your in the nurses office. Open your eyes. Please look at me." The voice disarms me and I stop my struggling, opening my heavy eyes. There at my side, with eyes so blue they make angels weep, is Simon. Worry and anger etched in every line of his face. And I love him more than life at that very moment because it's his face I'm waking up to.

"What happened?" he asks me. I look away from him. "Who did this to you?  I mean there's blood... Matty look at me. Tell me who?"  I shake my head refusing. I feel his warm handle cradle mine, then, and I almost cry. 

"Matty he shouldn't get away with it" and now I do look because lof the sorrow and love I hear in his voice. 

"Let go of her" a voice calls out  and I stiffen, squeezing Simons hand, my eyes like saucers, wide with fear. Simons face hardens and  his brow crupple. He looks to see who it is  and is shocked at the results. He swings his head towards me but I can't meet his gaze any longer and look up towards the doorway.

My brother's eyes sheding tears, his face angry and concerned. "Let go of my sisters hand" he repeats walking into the room glaring fiercely. "Mom and Dad are on the way. The police should get here soon." Lucas tells me. "I think you should leave Simon. This is a family matter now." but Simon shakes his head, never letting go of my hand. 

"I've been Matty's best friend since we were five. I am not leaving her now, she needs me" I can feel Lucas fuming, growing impatient from Simon's lack of movement. I reluctantly let fo of his hand and bow my head. 

"Go Simon" I say, "I'll be fine. He is my brother after all. He can protect me." but he hesitates and I curse my unsteady voice. 

"you heard her" Lucas says. And Simon begins to stand up.

 "Just let me know what hospital she's going to" he says looking at Lucas, walking out.


Lucas stands there for a moment after Simons departure and i fear of what he might do. He finally starts walking towards me and takes the seat that Simon just left, tenderly taking my face in his hands. He leans in kissing my dry lips, eye's closed, and I'm disgusted by the taste of his salty tears. He pulls back, caressing each inflicted wound on my face and in one fowl swoop he collapses in sobs. 

"I'm soooo sorry. I love you. Please forgive me. I'm sorry" and I look down because I will not forgive this beautiful monster.

"You fucking bastard" a voice exclaims and my head whips to the door. There at the entrance is Simon's figure seething in anger. Fists clenched and jaw set. He had never left, I realize now as I stare at his angry expression, he saw the whole thing. 

Lucas stands up as if the seat had suddenly grown hot. Simon strides over with haste unleashing a fist so powerful across my brother's jaw that Lucas actually staggers back.

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