Chapter 11- Aftermath

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Author's note: Yes yes I know super duper short. But I just wanted to thank all of my amazing fans for voting, commenting or just plain reading. Gosh you guys rock. Because of you I am #237 in Mystery!!!!! I just can't believe it. Mind blown!!

Thank you all for the amazing support. I promise the next chapter this will be jam packed full of stuff. This a short and teasing treat for being amazing and putting me on the list. 

Love you guys


Blood splatters across my face, warm and sticky, as a bullet flys through the air and lodges itself into Lucas's upper right shoulder. He yelps in pain, his arm flying out, as he accidently pulls the trigger from the impact. He falls, hard, his breathing rough, blood pooling around the wound and on the ground. 

Detective Burns rushes to me with his blazer in hand and wraps it around my naked bloody body. He takes my face in his hands asking over and over if I'm ok but I'm not. Because I look over his shoulder and see the worst thing I have seen in my life. Him. Simon slumped over, bleeding from a wound at his head.

"Simon" I gasp, the shock I feel leaving me breathless. I see my father crouch down next to him his fingers moving towards Simon's neck. I also see from the corner of my eye my mother trying to scamper away but Burns sees her too and quickly puts her in cuffs. But I can't find myself even caring whether she escapes or not. All I can seem to see is Simon's motionless body imprinting itself into my brain. 

Lucas groans then, bringing me out of my frozen state. I look down at him and feel such a deep hatred towards him that I'm moving before I actually know what I'm going to do. Until I feel my foot connect with his side, connecting with anything I can get near. My lips moving before I even know what I'm going to say.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU, YOU TWISTED SON OF A BITCH" I hear myself yell, continueing to kick, before Burns pulls me away in a bear hug. 

"Matilda" I hear and look up to see my father stareing back at me. Then my eyes land on Simon and my inside's twist. 'Oh my God he's dead.' I think, choking back sobs as tears make their way down to my lips; misery taking ahold of my heart. 

"Call an ambulance... Maybe..." I hear but my ears don't seem to be working and I don't catch the whole sentence. I feel everything fading away from me. As if I was moving backwards in a train tunnel. Light fading away. 

I feel myself fall. 

Then nothing.


All I heard where gunshots and seconds later I'm falling back against the wall my head hurting soo badly in the next moment. Like the worst kind of headache you can imagine mixed with the feeling of someone setting your entire scalp on fire. My vision blurs and I feel like I could just pass out from the pain. 

A warm liquid pours over me and lands on my lips, tasting strangly like a rusty penny. Blood. With Slitted eyes I try to make out the shapes in the room but it's tinted in red and everything seems to be loosing it's definition. I try to stay conscious when my other eye makes out Matty but I must have blinked out because as I open my eye's again she's laid out on the floor with Burns arm around her. 

"Simon can you hear me?" A voice asks me and I want to answer but my mouth doesn't seem to work. I can barely look over to where it's coming from. "Burns!! He's loosing too much blood!!" The voice yells.

"The ambulance are on the way I just phoned it in but it's still going to take some time. You're going to have to put some pressure on the wound. Take off your shirt." 

"I can't take it off. I'm sorry"

"Why the fuck not?! Look we don't have time for this. Hurry up and do it." and I can distinctly hear a sigh before again the voice responds. 

"What you're about to see can not be mentioned to anyone. Understood?" In only a few moments later do I feel a horrible pain as someone trys to staunch the bleeding.

"John dear God your back"

"I said do not mention it." He hisses. "Simon can you hear me? You gotta hang in there ok? please. For Matty." 

I close my eye's, my lids to heavy to hold up anymore, and think of Matty. About how much I love her and I hope that gives me strength, I hope what I feel for her will bring me back to her. 

I feel my world fading to black when a piercing siren fills the air.

"Please Simon" Someone breathes but I can't. My world fades to black


I wake up in the hospital face down. The pain in my backside registering before anything else as I try to shift around. Then the other pains ache in recognition causing a gasp to escape me.

"Oh thank goodness you're awake" a voice says and I look over to see my father, dark rings under his beautiful grey eye's, his usally neat blond hair in tangles. 

"It hurts" I rasp out because it's true. It hurts so bad. He leans over to me, scraping the chair he's sitting in closer, and brushing away a stray curl from my face. 

"I know baby. The doctors had to put alot of stitches into your backside." He says his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I'm sorry this happened to you. I'm so sorry for so much. God Matty I'm sorry I didn't want to believe you. I'm sorry we didn't turn to the cops sooner. Would you believe me if I told you that I did it to protect you. That I had wanted to keep you safe. God I'm sorry for failing."

But as he talks all I can think is that I'm glad he's here. I couldn't really care about anything else.

"When you get better I have alot of truths to tell you. Alot of things that you won't like but I should have told you this from the beginnging." He continues. I look around the room trying to piece together my memory when it hits me.


"Dad?" I ask as he grabs a cup and brings it to my lips. I clear my throat and try again. "Dad what about Simon? Where is he? Is he ok? Please tell me he's ok?" and I can tell that I'm growing more hysterical. The monitor's keeping pace with my heart spiking in noise. I shift in the bed, as if I had every intention of getting up and looking for him but my father places a hand on my shoulder. 

"Matty you need to calm down, you're going to open up your stitches. Just lie still ok we don't anymore scares."

"What do you mean?" I ask, distracted. He sighs

"You had alot of internal bleeding" He replyed darkly

"The baby?" I ask, growing still.

"Gone. I'd say I was sorry but truthfully I'm not" 

I take in his words, letting them settle in my chest and If I was honest with myself I'd agree. I thought I had wanted it but I realized I had just set myself up for the inevitable. The best thing to come out of this was the baby dying. And then suddenly, like a frieght train, the image of Simon on that warehouse floor springs to my mind.

"Dad please what about Simon?" He sighs, not looking at me, staring down at his interlaced hands.

"I'm sorry Matty-"

"I see you're awake" A familiar voice says from the doorway and I look to see Detective Burns stride into the room, a relieved smile on his lips. "Your brother is in custody, foreal this time, along with your mother" But I couldn't bring myself to care even an ounce as I look away from him and stare at the top of my father's head.

"Simon?" I ask and for minute I don't think he's going to answer. Detective Burns Shuffles his feet uncomfortably but doesn't say a word. And right when I think I can't take the silence, when I'm about to yell at the top of my lungs for someone to answer me, he looks up at me. Sorrow crosses his grey eyes and he takes my hand in his.

"Matty" He starts.


Author's note: Ok you can say it. I am totally evil. 


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