This can not go on.

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When I survey the world before us, all seems drear and dark and grey,

Storm clouds gathering, threats before us,

The media frightening us in its usual way,

Governments seem to have feet of clay,

This can not go on.

When I see just how life's changing, feeling nervous and full of fear,

Even now we're scared of travelling, of leaving home, keeping loved ones near,

It should not be the case my dear,

This can not go on.

When I read the morning paper, switch on the wireless or TV,

Countless innocents killed in earnest,

This isn't how life's meant to be,

A ship upon a stormy sea,

This can not go on.

When I hear of so much terror, sweeping the globe in the name of hate,

How can anyone be so evil?

What God would give you such a fate?

You must remember tis not too late,

This can not go on.

When I think of those in Paris, in Nice, in Turkey and countless others,

Those lives, through hate, brought to an end,

All of those children deprived of mothers,

Tearing apart the devoted lovers,

This can not go on.

Although I write about such dark times, we must stand firm and see the light,

For peace, for freedom, for love, for life,

For those who are gone we all must fight,

We shouldn't be fearful, we are all right,

We know this can't go on!

If you enjoyed this poem, please consider giving it a like or dropping me a line in the comments section below. Many thanks, M.R.W

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