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Life's cocktail party is here again,

So paint your face and force a smile,

Tell false tales, pontificate,

Give veiled attacks - have fun awhile!

In vino veritas: in wine there's truth,

So loosen your collar and let that tongue wag,

Give rash opinions, tell lies and home truths,

Tell other's secrets - it's sure not to drag!

You're a great raconteur, tell a story or two,

You're so funny, a natural, should have been on the stage,

A snide comment, a quote or a glance 'cross the room,

Has the party in fits but inside you're enraged.

The stories you tell and the thrill of the crowd,

Shows a life lived in jest and in joy,

Surrounded by 'friends' devoted and loving,

But in truth you're a clown - the audience's toy.

And then they're all gone. The drink has been drunk.

You stand there alone, a forgotten old fad,

Even with wit, funny stories and laughter,

Even the greatest of clowns must be sad.

An embittered soul feigns the forced reply:

"Goodnight dear ladies,

Goodbye, goodbye..


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