Counsel to Poets

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This poem is dedicated to all of the poets who have asked me to critique their wonderful, wonderful work. In particular this is for those who struggle and the many who have written to me explaining and asking for help when it comes to rhyming!!!

Poetry can be difficult, I think it's fair to say,

But when you have the urge to write it will not go away,

Take up your pen and paper, I know that you will find,

It calming and therapeutic to release what's on your mind!

No matter what it is you write, there is no right or wrong,

A poem can be anything, a thought, a feeling, a song,

It does not matter if you try and give rhyming a go,

But be assured dear reader that it does not stop the flow!

I find in all the modern verse, I'm often asked to read,

That when a poet starts to rhyme the message he does impede,

So if you find it difficult and struggle to follow a scheme,

Don't bother, your work will be brilliant, in the cases I have seen!

So throw out your rhyming dictionary and let the meaning through,

Let the poet that's in all of us, and yes I do mean you,

Create the amazing masterpiece, that I see here everyday,

And if they aren't quite popular they're still special in everyway!

It's that meaning that matters most to us, the feeling it creates,

The resonance and memories that any poem makes,

So when you ask for my criticism, expect nothing but praise,

Because each verse is a part of you, there are no problems I can raise!

Remember this if nothing else, it won't take very long,

Poetry is beautiful - there is no right or wrong!

If you enjoyed this poem, please consider giving it a like or dropping me a line in the comments section below. Many thanks, M.R.W

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