Manners Maketh Man

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'Manners maketh man' or so I was always taught,

A motto we all should live by, or so I always thought,

It does not cost a penny to mind your P's and Q's,

To be gracious and not vulgar with your pleases and thank yous.

It seems to me it's dying, politeness and saving face,

The modern youth seem ignorant with phones all over the place,

They're using them in restaurants and at every social affair,

It makes them seem uninterested, as though they do not care.

Although myself a young man, I do not seem to crave,

My mobile and the internet, for I am not it's slave,

Does that make me odd or strange or weird or not the 'norm',

Or is it weird not to have manners, from phones they can't be torn.

Perhaps that's why there's so much hate  with our lives all on display,

It's so easy to be hurtful or to look the other way,

Bullies can get away with it, it's easy to be rude,

To be horrible or impolite, racist, nasty or crude.

We say things of our  inner thoughts, or opinions and ideals,

Things I know would not be said if meeting when it's 'real',

We lose our inhibitions, move south of modern ills,

Losing manner and confidence, forgetting social skills.

So next time you are looking down at a phone there in the street,

Look up, be kind and courteous, who knows who you could meet,

So put away your stupid phones, I know that you all can,

And you'll go far if you remember: 'Manners maketh man!'

If you enjoyed this poem, please consider giving it a like or dropping me a line in the comments section below. Many thanks, M.R.W

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