Chapter 7: Kiss It Better

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Stefan's plan was to take Aimee straight home, but fate had other plans...

They were about halfway to Aimee's house when a truck hit the motorcycle at an intersection as it attempted a left turn. The bike hit its side and Aimee tumbled onto the grass island that separated the roads. Stefan screamed in pain as his leg caught under the scrambler. Aimee's right arm was injured when she hit the ground with a thud, and the pain surged through her entire body, on impact. As she heard Stefan's screams, she was determined to stand up. She needed to help him, but all she could do was groan in agony.

To their fortune, a paramedic had viewed the incident from his van, and as Aimee limped towards Stefan, she saw the paramedic removing the bike that had pinned him down, and then carrying him onto a stretcher. Another paramedic came up to Aimee and asked her if she was able to walk. She shook her head and the paramedic held her left arm around her neck to assist her. They slowly walked towards the van, and Aimee sat on the stretcher at the back of the van, next to Stefan's. The paramedics shut the van's rear doors and drove to the hospital. When Aimee heard the sirens buzzing, she glanced at her arm. She could not believe this had happened. If she had listened to Molly, none of this would have occurred. Aimee realised that it was because of her that she and Stefan were being rushed to a hospital. The ambulance van arrived at the hospital at 14:29. More paramedics spilled from the hospital's front doors and rushed to carry Stefan from the van. Aimee regained her mobility, and she had never felt so appreciative of it. The paramedics rushed Stefan to the Emergency Room; his leg was badly injured and bleeding profusely.

"We need to get him to the E.R, now!" shouted the female paramedic from before. "He's gonna lose a lot of blood and soon!"

Another paramedic analysed Aimee, and asked her for their names, and she gave a straight reply. The paramedic introduced herself as Selena and asked Aimee how she was doing as they rushed beside Stefan.

"Other than the throbbing in my right arm, I think I'm okay," remarked Aimee.

In actuality, she could not move her arm without sending a flood of pain to nearly all of the rest of her body.

"A cast should do, maybe an X-ray," stated Selena, convincingly.

"Thank you, but it's not as urgent as fixing Stefan's leg," she glanced at him moaning in pain.

"We'll get on that immediately," elucidated Selena, "a little cleaning and stitches, no problem."

Aimee was not convinced. They turned into the E.R and got Stefan onto a bed. The paramedics left with Aimee, and after cleaning Stefan's wound Selena called for a surgeon to advance with the stitching. Soon, a surgeon walked through the door, wearing his latex gloves, he gestured Selena out of the room and neared Stefan's bed.

"Shall we begin, Mr Summers," he addressed him.

Meanwhile, in the next ward, two nurses were waiting with Aimee. The first nurse sanitised her arm while the second grabbed an arm cast for her. Aimee sat patiently, waiting quietly on the hospital bed. The nurses were kind; they said that the two of them were very strong. The second nurse fitted Aimee's cast onto her arm and she was ready to go, with no major damage. She just needed some time to rest and fully recover. Stefan was also beginning to feel much better, after he had his wound stitched up and cast. The surgeon told him that he would need the aid of crutches for at least five days, but nothing was broken, and then he left the ward. Aimee asked for permission to check in with Stefan, and with authorisation, she ambled into the room and he was sitting on the hospital bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" she asked as she sat in the chair beside the bed.

"Better," Stefan beamed. "How about you?"

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