Chapter 18: Sounds for Sore Ears

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 At the penthouse, Abba was trying her best to strike up a conversation with her daughter, but did not know where to start. She made a lot of ums and hums, but words were not coming out. Aimee decided to speak first – after the last spoon of her mousse.

"So did I behave?"

Abba smiled. "Yes, what do you want to know?"

"What do you want to know?" Aimee queried. "You obviously have a question or two on your mind."

"True, but they can wait," Abba blurted. "The red beacons, you should be able to figure it out soon, what else?"

"Really?" Aimee raised her eyebrows. "That's how you answer my questions?"

"I am sorry, but I cannot tell you just yet," Abba stood up. "I do not want you to go so soon."

Aimee did not know whether to be flattered or worried, but either way, she was uneasy about the way those words sounded. Abba collected the dishes on the table and rinsed them in the sink. Aimee was still sitting in her chair, and on her train of thought. Now she really wanted to know what those beacons were; it was probably deadly important. Maybe there are people underground, treasure, undiscovered land that they intend to own, or maybe it was a lot bigger than that.

Abba packed the rinsed bowls into the dishwasher, turned it on, and then returned to the table. She stood behind Aimee with her hands on her chair.

"What is on your mind?" she asked.

She looked up at her. "When can I leave?" she was eager to get out of there already.

"It is so soon," she insisted.

"Then tell me what those red beacons are so that I have to go. I don't want to be here," admitted Aimee.

"What is wrong with you?!" Abba pushed off of her chair. Aimee was forced into the table, her hands keeping her from seriously hurting herself. Abba was too busy yelling to even notice. "I just wanted to spend time with you!"

"You had over a decade to do that, I need to go," Aimee stood off the chair. "I have a life in California and you were never a part of it."

Aimee did not speak mistakenly, but she was starting to regret it once she saw the fire in Abba's eyes. Aimee walked away before things got hotter. She sped toward the elevator and pushed the button going down. She glimpsed at Abba over her shoulder, hoping she did not hurt her feelings that badly, but she shook it off; Abba is the enemy. Abba is also her mom.

The elevator doors opened.

"Stop!" shouted Abba. "I need you to stay, just for a little while."

Aimee stared at her, then at the floor. She took a deep breath and walked back to her.

"I'm sorry," sighed Aimee. "I just don't wanna be here. It's not your fault, I just..." her words escaped her.

"It is alright, come here," Abba put her arms around her. "I should have come home."

The elevator returned to ground level, but was not there for long. Moments later, it came up again. Abba took her arms to her side. The elevator doors opened and Benjamin greeted them. Abba and Aimee were both surprised to see him alone.

"Where are the prisoners?"

"Where are Stefan and Gavin?"

They chorused. Aimee wiped her tears.

"Unconscious," he replied.

Aimee gasped. "What did you do to them?"

"They are not dead," he rolled his eyes. "Knock-out gas," he explained.

"I do not believe it," Abba walked up to him with her face in his face. "You bring them here, or you stay down there, understand?"

Benjamin nodded and gradually reversed into the elevator. He pushed the button accordingly and the doors closed between him and Abba. Aimee wondered what had happened to their mad romance. They are supposed to be a married couple.

"Why do you talk to Benjamin like that?" she asked, astonished. "Do you always speak to him that way?"

"No," she was too quick to be answering truthfully. "I just do not want your friends to do anything they will regret."

"You and me both," whispered Aimee.

"Now, sit down and I'll tell you what you want to know," she said. Her voice was hard.

Aimee thought to herself, finally I'll get some answers, and sat down hurriedly, Abba ambling behind her.

"But first, you need to promise me something," said Abba.

"What's that?" Aimee's smile disappeared very quickly.

"Join AIM," she held Aimee's hand. "Join me and your father. We will be unstoppable!"

"No!" she yanked her arm away. "I would never join you! I don't care how mean that sounds, no!"

Abba expected her to say that. She stood up and headed back to the office desk. "Then you will never know," she said.

Aimee did not know if Abba was angry or sad. An array of mixed emotions showed on her face. All Aimee wanted to do was get out of there. She ran to the elevator and pressed 'down' until the doors gave her way.

"Don't ever ask me that again!" she exclaimed before the elevator doors shut.

Her heart was racing and her mind was in a state where she just did not know what to do next, but it was not up to her; Abba called security to the ground floor. As soon as Aimee stepped out of the elevator, she realised that she was surrounded.

"Dang it!" she blurted.

Two men came out from the group and snatched her by the arms. She wormed around, but these two were even stronger than the ones from before. Soon their grip was so tight that she could not move at all.

Aimee was ready to give up, and then she heard an unfamiliar beeping. It grew louder and faster until there was a boom! Followed by what sounded like gunshots. Aimee was unharmed and her arms were free, but there was a buzzing in her head. She dropped to the ground with her palms at her ears. Dust collected in the air around her and she could hardly see anything.

"Aimee!" a voice called her, but all she could hear was that buzz.

"Aimee!" another voice.

She felt two people at her sides again. Her arms were on the back of each of their necks and her hands held at their shoulders. They hoisted her up and carried her outside. Her senses precipitated, she realised who saved her; it was Stefan and Gavin. She was overjoyed. She hugged Gavin and Stefan with the same forceful squeeze. When she let them go, all three of them shared wide smiles.

"How did you get out?" she had her hands on Stefan's chest. Stefan removed two empty vials from his jeans back pocket. "You two are amazing, thank you!" Aimee glimpsed between them.

"Well, Stefan's who you should be thanking," Gavin smiled. "He was the mastermind with the vials."

"Yeah, what's in those vials anyway?" questioned Aimee.

"I don't know, all I know is that it works," said Stefan, almost blushing.

Aimee smiled at him for a while, but it faded and she lowered her hands. "What about Benjamin?" she asked.

"Don't worry, he's alright," Gavin grinned. "We just locked him in the room when he came to check on us."

"That knock-out gas shouldn't kill him," alleged Stefan, pulling a thinking face.

"Oh ha-ha," Aimee pushed him lightly at the chest.

Gavin glanced at the building. "We need to go," he held both their arms, "before Abba does... something."

Theyclimbed into the helicopter speedily and Gavin took the wheel – or lever. He hadthem airborne in seconds. Stefan's leg was still sore, but he had been withoutcrutches now for a while. He learned to completely ignore it. Aimee buckledthem in; she was sitting on Stefan's lap again. They escaped effortlessly it seemed, not asingle guard ran out after them. They watched the AIM tower diminish in thedistance.    

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