Chapter 25: What Can't Be Explained...

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Aimee and Stefan were in separate vehicles. They could not stop worrying about each other. The way Stefan acted, Aimee was sure they would beat him up, and just the thought of Leo being anywhere near Aimee enraged Stefan.

Leo was breathing down Aimee's neck. He had cuffed her and they were sitting in the back seat while Ponytail was driving. The road went from tar to gravel or brick. Aimee could feel the shift beneath her feet. She tried not to make any eye contact with Leo. Her eyes were still red.

Back in the vehicle Stefan was stuck in, he felt the sudden difference on the ground under them. Their vehicle was directly behind the one Aimee was in. He did not care what happened to him, or if he never saw Aimee again, as long as he knew that she would be safe. But he did not know if she was and that made him uneasy. Stefan was sharing the back seat with two extremely muscular men. They looked as though they could have been bodybuilders, but they did not intimidate him. He did not know how long they were driving and from where he was sitting, he could not identify the driver.

It felt like a while since they were at the restaurant. Aimee's wrist was almost painless and probably would have been if it were not for the tight handcuffs.

"Oh, would you stop with the tears already?" blurted Leo.

Aimee shot him a look, she had nothing to say and so she said nothing. Leo took his index finger and his thumb and lightly squeezed her chin. Aimee instantly pulled her head away.

"Don't touch me!" she screamed.

Leo laughed at her, he even mocked her. So she turned and spat him right in the face. He cursed and his arm lifted into the air.

"Leo!" Ponytail looked over her shoulder. "Leave her alone. And there is nothing wrong with teenage girls," she tested - he had insulted her while cursing.

Leo sat back in his seat, aggravated. Aimee motioned herself slightly to the middle of the car. Ponytail had her focus on the road again. Aimee was trying to get a better glimpse of her face.

"Thank you," she said, making Ponytail look to the back again.

"Sure, no problem," she half smiled. "He's always getting on everyone's case. Thinks he's the big dog. I think he needs a leash."

Aimee laughed. Leo actually made a sound that was similar to a growling Rottweiler.

"What's your name, anyway?" queried Aimee.

"Celeste," she looked over her shoulder again. "Celeste, Chastity, Williams. Any idea what I nabbed you for, Aimee?" she questioned.

"I have a few ideas," replied Aimee. "You work for the organisation called AIM, right?"

Celeste hummed. "Well, I don't work for them," she verified, with her eyes on the road. "They're paying me for this. Abba wants you in France real bad. She's gonna send her men to bring you back."

"What?! Why?!" that was the last thing Aimee wanted.

"Look, she didn't tell me much," she affirmed. "All I know is that she was willing to pay me half of what her organisation is worth to get you in one piece."

"You said she only gave you two million dollars!" Leo chimed in.

Celeste rolled her eyes. "No one was talking to you, bub," she uttered.

"What about Stefan?" Aimee asked nervously.

"The boy? He'll be alright as long as he doesn't piss anyone off," she replied.

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