Chapter 12: A New Face

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Stefan slowly regained consciousness and once he realised that Aimee was insentient, he was alert and shaking her in the hopes of bringing her to her consciousness. He tried, but was unsuccessful. The tranquilisers Otis used are unusually powerful. Stefan gradually reached beneath the bed pillow and pulled out two small vials, one of which was empty.

"Always pack a spare," he mumbled to himself, twisting the lid off the stocked vial.

He carefully carried it to Aimee's mouth and poured as the vial's rim touched her lips. She almost instantly came to, coughing before opening her eyes.

"What is that disgusting liquid???" she stood up speedily.

"Come on, I'll explain on the way," he tested.

Aimee refused to go unless her demand for further explanation was met. Stefan clutched his crutches and stood up.

"Aimee, we don't have time for this," he said, rather annoyed. "Doctor Cavell... Otis, is a spy from another organisation. We need to catch up to him before they know you're alive!"

He gulped silently and backed away as Aimee ogled into the air. He realised what he had just said and wished he had kept his mouth shut.

There was silence.

"I'm not supposed to be alive?" she queried. She endeavoured to sink it in, but could not.

"No, Aimee, that came out wrong," he remarked apologetically. "The other -"

"Forget it, okay?!" she yelled, holding back her tears. Aimee pushed herself up and off the bed and stood in place for a moment. "Let's just go catch Otis, or whoever."

Stefan, reached his hand out to hers, but she rejected it and shoved passed him. She tried the door and realised that it was locked. She tried the window, but it was stuck shut. Frustrated, she kicked through the glass and leaped out of the window and onto the fire escape. Stefan watched, shocked, and it showed in his facial expression. Aimee looked back into the ward.

"Are you coming or not?"

Stefan nodded twice, slowly. The two of them rushed down the fire escape's single flight, Aimee sprinting in lead even when they touched the ground. Stefan had insane upper body strength, crutches or no crutches, it did not take him long to overtake Aimee. He headed towards the road and his hand fumbled in his pocket, pulling out his cellphone. By the time Aimee caught up to him, he had already typed a number into his phone and pushed the 'call' button. He held it against his ear and waited for an answer.

Aimee took a glimpse at his leg and all the guilt she felt before precipitated back to mind. Flashes of Stefan lying on the ground, screaming in pain appeared in her head. She was brought to the present by Stefan's voice.

"Hello?" he spoke into the phone. "Two. At the hospital. Bye," he ended the call.

"Who was that?" Aimee queried.

"Vehicle delivery," he looked up at the sky. "Ever flown in a helicopter?"

"Twice, but I almost threw up the second time and..." - she saw him turn his attention to her - "uhm, never mind," she was suddenly shy.

"No, carry on," he smiled innocently. "I enjoy learning more about you."

Aimee was just about to continue, but before the words escaped her mouth, sudden and fast fwups of a helicopter's four-blade propellers interrupted her train of thought.

It landed in front of the hospital entrance and when the engine was off and the blades stopped spinning, a man stepped out. He was neatly dressed in a black tuxedo over-lapping his white silk shirt and he had gelled back, strawberry blonde hair, which Aimee could see, even from a distance. She was ready to climb into the chopper and chase after Otis, wherever he was - she guessed Stefan must have known. She treaded forward, but before she passed him, Stefan stretched his arm in front of her and shook his head.

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