Chapter 19: California Honey

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Aimee was thrilled to be out of that building at last; all that drama was more than she could handle. Her life had changed so drastically in the span of four days. It was scary, but when she looked at the people she was sharing the flight home with, she was also incredibly happy. She fell asleep on Stefan's shoulder about twenty minutes into the flight. He could not stop smiling when she rested her head.

"Goodnight, Aimee," he spoke softly.

"I told you," Gavin chimed in.

"Told me what?" Stefan asked in a whisper.

"You told her first," he smiled. "She's already forgiven you."

He watched Aimee sleep for a while, but some of his attention was still on the chopper. Even though she was not doing anything, Aimee was distracting. Her brown hair was messy and frizzy, she was tired enough to have light bags under her eyes and yet, she was so ethereal. Gavin shook his head and paid attention to the sky, and then to the radar installed in the dashboard. They were almost home, a few minutes away. He was flying a lot faster now than he was before, but the chopper was so soundless you would not notice.

"We'll be home in five minutes," he murmured to Stefan. "Where should I drop you off?"

"Her house," he said. "I'll have Buckley pick me up from there."

"Alright," he began lowering the helicopter. "See you in the morning then, bub."

Gavin knew where Aimee lived by the information in her file at GINM. It was his first time on that side of North Hills, but he knew his way thanks to a photographic memory of maps. The chopper lowered a few seconds later, they were on the street behind Aimee's neighbours' house and out of sight. Gavin turned off the engine, unlocked the doors and unstrapped himself from his seat. He was just about to step out of the chopper when Stefan called him lightly.

"Could you give me a hand?" Stefan was eyeing the buckle for his and Aimee's seatbelt. Gavin leaned over and released the belt. "Thanks," uttered Stefan, trying not to get smacked in the face by the runaway buckle.

"No problem," Gavin grinned mischievously and hopped out of his chair.

He ran around the chopper head and opened their door. He was very fervent to carry Aimee. He slid his arms under her back and legs and lifted her out of the helicopter. Stefan managed to climb out on his own now that she was off of his lap - she was like a miniature anchor. Stefan left his crutches behind. Gavin shut the door behind him with his back and he and Stefan walked over to the Griffith's front lawn. Stefan trotted ahead to Aimee's front door. He knocked eight and a half times before there was an answer.

"I'm coming," Molly remarked from inside.

Stefan could hear her shuffling for the keys. He examined himself, neatened every fold on his attire, but there was still the smell of the smoke bomb and the dust that collected on his shirt. Molly had not even opened the door yet and Stefan was nervous, but she was about to and she did not seem to like him very much.

"Oh," she greeted impolitely. "It's you."

"Hello, Mrs Griffiths," his voice almost disappeared. "You look lovely. Uhm, I brought your daughter home."

Stefan pointed at Gavin. Molly was under the impression that Aimee was unconscious or drunk.

"What did you do?"

She ran passed Stefan and ignored him when he told her that Aimee was alright. He waited at the door, combing his hair with his left hand as his elbow rested on the door frame.

"Who are you?" Molly posed, staring down the man carrying Aimee.

"My name is Gavin, you must be Aimee's sister," he flattered.

"I'm not her sister, she doesn't even have a sister," she replied. "Aimee is my daughter."

"You're Molly Griffiths?" he asked.

"I don't even want to know how you know my name, just get my daughter inside, now!" she pointed.

"Don't scream, Mrs Griffiths, she's asleep," he whispered.

Molly stomped back toward the house, frustrated. "I'll just be in my room until dinner" so that you don't think I'd sneak out with my boyfriend, she thought. Molly stopped at the door to look at Stefan's leg cast. "Aren't you meant to be in the hospital?"

"Uh, I was discharged in the afternoon," he fibbed.

"Then why would you send Aimee that message?" she raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.

"What mess- oh, I couldn't find my doctor and I dropped my crutches on the floor... which I don't need... anymore," he fabricated as well as he could under her intimidating glare.

It was weird for him to have to lie to Molly, almost as weird as it was for him to lie to Aimee. Gavin had carried her in between the two of them and Molly instructed him to set Aimee on the living room couch. Molly and Stefan walked in simultaneously. She closed the door behind him as Gavin delicately set Aimee down.

"Why was she with you two?" questioned Molly.

Stefan ogled Gavin, hoping he would lie for him this time. Gavin looked at him and then at Molly.

"She wanted to get you a present," he said. "I was the only employee at the antique store and just as I was closing up she passed out in Stefan's arms, but his leg is... well, I decided to help them out."

Molly stared at him with one eyebrow up; she did not believe a word, but she guessed she would have to. "Okay," she sighed.

Stefan exhaled mutely.

"Anyway, I should probably go, it's been lovely meeting you all," Gavin excused himself. "I'll show myself out."

"Alright then, thank you, Gavin," Molly smiled slightly.

He moseyed passed Stefan. "Thank you, Gavin," Stefan whispered to him.

The door shut and there was an awkward silence in the room. It was obvious that Molly did not like Stefan's company, but she tried to be polite - by not mentioning how much she wanted him to leave next.

"Would you like some chai tea?" she offered.

"No, thank you, I'll just sit and wait for Aimee to wake-up," he beamed.

And that is what he did. Molly went off into the kitchen. Stefan heard her rummage for sugar and tea, and the sound of Gavin's helicopter soon chorused. He sat on the sofa diagonally opposite of Aimee's with his head on his fists and his elbows on his knees. Molly returned to the room soon after, with her blue mug on a saucer and a box of biscuits in her other hand. Stefan jumped up to carry her mug.

"May I?" he took her things and set them on the coffee table that centred the two couches.

He sat down where he was, and then patted the sofa cushion, gesturing Molly to sit down next to him. She raised her eyebrow and hesitated for a while, but she could not just say no, so she joined him.

"Is this the part where you try to win over my approval and gain permission to date my daughter?" she guessed.

"No," Stefan blushed. "Your approval should not be forced, if you don't like me, I can live with -"

"Aimee must not mean much to you then," Molly interrupted.

"You didn't let me finish," smiled Stefan. "I can live without your approval, but not without Aimee."

He glanced over to Aimee with his blue-green eyes. Molly was caught staring too, first at Stefan and then at Aimee. His words were probably the sweetest thing she had heard since Clifford's proposal. A part of her really wished Aimee was awake to hear them.

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