10: Friends and a hug

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It's been a few days since the incident and I've met all the Noah. Surprisingly there not that bad. Tyki mikk is actually kinda cute. Ya I know I feel so bad. I like kanda a lot but I also like tyki. I feel like a w****. I still don't know where I am they won't tell me other then I'm in there home. I guess I've been sleeping and staying in a spare room they had. I have to take heavy dosages of pain killer to keep the pain away. It's a hassle for them I can tell but I don't care for what they've put me and all the other exorcists through. I wonder if they've realized I'm gone yet? I wonder if anyone's looking for me? I haven't been able to get up yet but it's ok road has been keeping me company. She actually really cool. She a sweet girl when you get to know her. I've been helping her with her math, history, English and science homework. I've also been hanging out with the twins too. They come and see me. There really cool too. And there drama with each other could keep me laughing for days on end. The millennium Earl comes and visits every now and then. I hate to say it but this family is slowly growing on me like the exorcists did. I miss the exorcists. I want to go back. I'll ask later after a nap I'm really tired.

I wake to the door opening. I open my eyes seeing tyki and road. I smile sitting up rubbing my eyes." Hay guys"they smile." We got you something" road say excitedly. I smile." Ooo, what is it?" I was excited. Road opens the door and goes out walking in with crutches. I literally almost jumped from the bed. I was so sick of being in this bed only getting up, with help, to go to the bathroom." Would you like to try them out?" I repeatedly nod my head. Tyki chuckles at my excitement. He helps me up and gives me the crutches. I put them under my arm pits and start walking around. I've never been so happy." Thank you road, tyki" they smile." Your welcome silver." I walk around the room for a bit till they start showing me around the house. Every body else was eating in the dining room. It was dinner time. I sit next to road and jasdeo. They had a lot of food on the table. Everything from steak to potatoes to grapes. I was in heaven. I felt like I was going to die with happiness right about now." Dig in silver we know your hungry." Millennium Earl says. I smile wide and nod causing him to chuckle. He was going to regret those words.

Immediately I start grabbing food. I ended up eating way more then I've ever eaten before. There was still a lot of food on the table though. After dinner me and road watch some cartoon while petting lulu bell (she's in her cat form). I ended up falling asleep with road in my arms. Which wasn't bad. I loved this little girl. Even though I've only known her for a very short time I love her. She's like my actual sister.

It's been about 2 weeks since silvers gone missing. She had to have been taken because her motorcycle and clothes were still at the hotel. And I know for a fact she wouldn't just leave her motorcycle there. No akuma have been cited in the area since. I sigh upset. Exorcist all over the world were told to keep an eye out for her or anything they think could lead us to her. I don't know why but ever since she left I've felt empty again. All my life I've felt this little part of me crave for something and I didn't know what it was till I met her. And now that's she's gone its back. I feel like I just want to crawl into a corner sit in a ball and mope. The others aren't taking it to well either especially kanda. He locks himself in his room only coming out a few times to eat, shower and go to the bathroom. I'm worried about him. I think he loves her. I could see she liked him too. When they were around each other they'd both get this little twinkle in there eyes. It was so cute. I sigh and lay in my bed I couldn't fall asleep. I lay there for hours till I finally do fall asleep.

I couldn't take it anymore. Not knowing where silver is is driving me crazy. Not knowing if she was hurt or possibly dead. I couldn't take it I just might go insane if we don't find her soon. I really really like her.

I sit at the table with road, tyki, jasdeo and devit playing/ attempting a game of poker. Me and tyki were trying to teach the twins how to play but they weren't getting it. Road got it. After trying to teach them for about a half hour more they finally got it. I was really good at poker plus I new cheats to win. So I kinda won every time. It was fun and eventful. My leg was healing up very fast which was good because I was tired of wearing this cast. I loved hanging out with everyone here but I miss all the other exorcists and I miss the sun.

I was laying on the bed bored when millennium walks in. He was alone. The others must be out. "How are you silver."" I'm good......um millennium can I maybe go outside. Or see my friends I miss them." I say looking down." Not today silver but I promise real soon you'll get both of those things." He says. I smile wide and do something that surprises us both. I hug him." Thank you." I say he was surprisingly warm. I don't know what I was expecting but I don't think it was this. The hug for some reason was familiar. Almost....... Fatherly.

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