40: I'll wait for you

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I lay there wide eyed mortified at what I'm seeing. I didn't expect to wake up. Like this at all. In front of me stood a shadowy figure behind silver who was staring at me through surprised eyes. Blood poured from her chest. A bit of it leaks from her mouth. Thr figure chuckles ripping it out. Silver falls to the floor. Before I know what I'm doing my hand slams down on the big red hospital emergency button. A siren immediatly goes off. All of the lights in the room switch on and I'm stunned. There in front of me stood the earl. In his hand was his own sword of exorcism covered in blood, silver's blood.

He smirks before skipping out of the room. Getting up I'm surprised when I fall to the ground weak. I couldn't run.
Screw him I need to help silver. Crawling over to her I notice her innocence was glowing, illuminating a white light even though her innocence was green.

Picking her head up I start soothing her. Tears streamed from her eyes down her cheeks.

Suddenly I feel a pulsing sensation in my left hand. Looking down I see my own innocence was glowing. When ever I touched silver it got brighter. Realizing what it wants me to do I place my hand in hers.

There's an explosion of white and I'm throne back hitting my head on the metal frame of the bed. The last thing I see is silver being surrounded my a white light lifting her into the air before I pass out.

I'm rudely awoken by a loud siren. Quickly im up grabbing Mugen. Leaving the room its in complete panic. Finders were running everywhere. I grab a find glaring at him." What going on? Why's everyone panicking?" He looked utterly terrified of me but I could careless at the moment." Allen he sounded the alarm, silver something's wrong with her." He breaths out. I could barely make out what he was talking about other then Allen sounding the alarm and silver's back,SILVER'S BACK.

A smile makes its way to my face as I take off running towards Allen's hospital room. She was back. My love was back.

Running down to the room took longer with the chaos and panic go on in the halls. Getting to the room I rush in only to stop. Allen was slumped against the wall unconscious a bit of blood dripping from his head. Blood covered the left side of the room but what made my knees weak and collapse was that silver was here, only......she had been encased in an innocence crystal.

A type of crystal that was impossible to break. The user of the innocence has to release itself from it.

Yet again Right there on the floor not caring if anyone saw me I bawled my eyes out. I had just got her back. And now I've lost her again.

It's been three months since the incident. Silver still hasn't woke up or been released from her crystal. Allen's tried every day with his innocence, trying to get it to release her but it's no use. They may be twins with the same innocence but they can still block each other.

When Allen told us that the earl had broke into the black order and had done this to silver I was beyond p*****. That was now my life goal, hunt down the Earl and kill the b*******.

I visit silver everyday. We decided to keep her in the science lab since its one of the safest places in the building.

Allen's been grieving very badly. He barely eats, sleeps, showers. We practically have to force him to do anything. He feels like it's his fault silver's the way she is now. Leenales started comforting Allen more and more. I think she likes him. Allen's just to blind and emotionally unstable right now to see it.

Everybody in the order has been depressed lately. She was a great person with a killer attitude. We've all found ways to cope though, mine's going to that old green house with the lotus flowers she showed me.

They remind me of her.

Sighing I leave the green house pulling my coat closer to me as I walk into the snow. It was December, Allen and silver's birthdays today. I had planned for this day for a long time but since she's the way she is now we can't do any of those things.

I was planning on taking her to dinner, afterwards we'd cone visit the green house. There at the green house I would bend down taking her hand, and tell her how much she ment to me and how much I loved her. I was going to ask her to marry me.

Clutching the flowers tighter to my body I rush back to the order. Getting there Immediatly, I go to the science lab. The sight of her makes me smile. Walking over I take a seat putting the flowers down by the bottom of the crystal. "Hay silver, its your birthday today. Happy birthday. Your officially 18 now, an adult. I wish you'd wake up. I got you a present." I pull out a silver locket. The locket had my picture inside.

"I wish I could put it on you right now. You would be the most beautiful girl in London. I want you to know silver, I will wait for you to wake up. You are the love of my life. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right by your side the whole time. And when you wake up. I want to be the first person you see. I love you silver and I'm not just going to let you go. Until you wake up I'm going to spend every day trying to get you out and that's a promise."

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