16:Get the F*** off me

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After dinner me, road and the twins decided to watch a movie. After an hour of debating and refinding the remote.............4 times we finally decided on a movie. It was a scary movie called" sand man ". I sit snuggled on the couch. It was so funny every time a jump scare came the twins screamed covering there faces, as if that's going to do anything. By the end of the movie the twins are terrified and me and road are tired." Hay guys I'm going to bed, good night." I get up to leave only to be tackled to the ground." Can we sleep with you, we're scared." I snicker at the twins who knew the trouble makers could get so scared of a simple movie. We pull blankets and pillows from the closets and bedroom making a fort in the living room. That night I fall asleep telling myself I couldn't get attached to them.

I wake the next morning to a surprising sight and I was pissed. Like personal space much. The twins were both laying on me. On my most inappropriate and private places.

Jasdero face was right in the middle of my boobs. Which he seemed to be enjoying as there was a wide smile on his face.

Devit had his head laying on my lady place with his arms wrapped around my legs.

O hell naw, reaching over I grab both of there guns taking the bullets out." Devit, jasdero please get off me." No movement or sound. Ok time for the hard way." Jasdero, Devit GET THE F*** OFF ME BEFORE I SHOOT YOUR B**** OFF." I scream pointing the guns at there faces.

They both Jump up staring at me wide eyed. Slowly they begin backing up. "Now why where you laying on me?" I ask glaring at them. They flinch grabbing ahold of each other scared. "Where sorry, yo-you were j-just so com-com-comfortable." They struggle to get out. Still I continue to glare at them. Everyone runs into the room looking ready to fight.

" I am not a pillow, next time you pull something like this I will shoot you." They immediately cup themselves getting up and pushing through the others to get out of the room the whole time screaming they were sorry. I laugh turning to the others." There baby's, there guns weren't even loaded." I laugh taking the gun apart to show them. They laugh too before leaving the room again. O my this is going to be harder then I thought.

It's been a month since I joined the Noah family. A few days ago millennium Earl let me go on a solo mission. It was great except instead of one or two exorcists they had to send 3. At first if was hard just trying to get them to listen to me. They all just kept trying to kill me. But then they stopped when I gave them the innocence they were looking for.

"Please stop I don't want to fight you." They didn't stop. I kept diving there weapons when I take a risk. Reaching my arm out I open my palm showing the glowing green innocence. They looked confused." Why would you give us the innocence aren't the Noah trying to destroy all of it?" One asks taking if from my hand and examining it." Yes they are but I'm just posing as part of there family for the time being. I don't want the Noah to rule, that would be terrible. I believe in the exorcists even if they don't trust me." I say causing them to smile." Listen I was sent here to kill the exorcists that showed up and destroy the innocence. I'm not going to kill you or destroy the shard. I need you to go back to the order and lay low for a while so the Noah don't find out. Allen is in on it. We're going to bring down the Noah family from the inside." They stare at me shocked before smiling again." We knew you weren't evil silver. You could never be. We'll do as you say, let's just hope we don't get chewed out too badly."
End flashback

So far nobodies found out yet and I'd like to keep it that way.

Sighing I get up from my bed leaving. It was breakfast time. I still have my innocence. I refuse to let them destroy it. Millennium agreed he wouldn't destroy it yet until they destroyed the heart. Granted I could kill them with it but they trusted me enough to know I wouldn't do that. To bad I would and will kill them.

I walk into the kitchen only seeing Tyki eating a bowl of fruit." Good morning Tyki, did you sleep well?" He looks up smiling." Why yes, thank you for asking." I smile opening the fridge and digging through it. Pizza yummy." Say silver would you like to go out with me and some friends today?"" Yah sure sounds fun." I say shoving pizza into my mouth. This was good when was the last time I'd eaten pizza. After I'm done I go to my room getting dressed. I wonder who tyki's friends are are?

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