I'm sorry. (our2ndlife fanfiction)

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Hey, I'm Hannah I'm 18 I live in Virginia beach, Virginia and I'm going to San Antonio, Texas to meet up with my best friend Vanessa. We haven't seen each other in person since she moved a few years back but we will finally be reunited when I visit her for the summer. We have been best friends forever and are more like sisters than anything. The collab Channel our2ndlife is our favorite YouTube Channel ever. Jc is my favorite ;).

Hello, I'm Vanessa, I'm 18 and Have been living in San Antonio, Texas for a few years but, when I moved I sadly had to move away from my best friend Hannah. Luckily she is coming down for the summer to hang out before we go to college. I'm afraid that after we go away to different colleges we will drift apart even more unless we both get accepted to Texas university. Our obsession is a YouTube channel called Our2ndLife and my favorite is Ricky but, I think Trevor is adorable and be an amazing friend, he is 18 and the youngest of the group. One day I hope to meet them in person.

Hannah's pov

I run off the plane in Texas looking for Vanessa and all of a sudden I feel someone's hand on my shoulders. I quickly turn around to a very exited Vanessa wearing an our2ndlife t-shirt. I rolled my eyes and hugged my best friend.

"I missed you," I said and she smiled at me as she picked up one of my bags. We walked through the gates, and into the food court areas. I was really hungry.... I looked around and my eyes meet the Starbucks. I dropped my bag, and walked away from her quickly,

"Watch my bags!" I call out a little too loud causing everyone to look at me. I didn't care, I happily ordered my drink. I got it and searched around until I found Vanessa sitting on a bench looking quite irritated. She didn't like coffee, so I didn't bother getting anything for her.

I shoved my bags in the back of her car getting in the passenger seat, she drove off and to her appartment.

I got inside, and lugged my bags into her guest room, I put all my clothes away in the right places until I started searching for my hair straightener. I couldn't find it. I looked everywhere, don't tell me I forgot it!

"Vanessa!?" I yell. She comes in and looks at me annoyed seeing that nothing is wrong. I smiled at her innocently before speaking,

"So... I need to go to the mall...." I say

**A/N hope you like this chapter we will update soon! And for anyone wondering our second life is coming into the story soon :)

Peace out Caylen clouds

Love you,

Hannah and Vanessa.

I'm sorry. (our2ndlife fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now