22- Our first christmas

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Vanessa's pov

It's Christmas Eve and everyone is getting along great. I'm going to the mall for last minute presents.

"Ok I'm gonna go" I say getting my bag, everyone but Jc, Ricky, and Sam get up and agree to go.

"We will stay and finish decorating" Ricky says coming over to me and kissing my cheek, I nod and walk out the door with everyone. I get in my car with Conner, Rotem, and Hannah. Hannah sits beside me and Rotem and Conner in the back. We drive listening to music and we get to the mall. I shop for a last minute gift for Ricky cause I didn't know what to get him... I get the perfect thing and meet up with everyone else. We drive back home and as soon as we open the door I hear yelling

"No. Not there! Over here!"

"Your so stupid it should be here!"

"Oh shut up! Give it to me!" The boys argue. Of course, I knew I couldn't leave them here alone for more than and hour with a simple task. I walk in the kitchen but as I do I hear rambling and I see the boys stop what they were doing and sit at the table. I give them a weird look and go to the fridge, I get a drink and walk into the living room. I watch some tv and a while later Hannah and Rotem join me. I was bored so I decided to go in Ricky's room and watch some YouTube. I need to catch up on my subscriptions. I just decide to watch some o2l videos instead, I love to watch them when I miss Ricky in my dorms. I start to watch the uncut video for Ricky. They were singing 18 cool by hoodie Allen, he is really good. No wonder Hannah and Jc like him so much. I sit for awhile watching random videos and I get tired. I just go downstairs and everyone is in the living room, I notice the decorations are done.

"Nice job" I say looking around. Ricky gestures me to sit with him. I sit next to him and they are watching a tv show that I don't know the name of. I get up and go to the kitchen, Ricky follows me closely, it is a little weird.... I open the fridge and as I reach for a water bottle-

"So, where's my kiss?" He asks

"What?" I asks very confused, he points up and I look to see mistletoe... "Wow Ricky, how cliche." I lean over and kiss him, he kisses back and I get a bottle. He takes it and has a sip then gives it back and smirks at me. He is doing it to annoy me, I don't care though.

"Hey wanna watch something funny?" He says with a mischievous smile, I nod

"Hey guys! I got a cake and it's in the fridge if you want it!" He announces, Kian and Sam rush into the room and open the fridge. I realize what he did, they are under the mistletoe.

"Uh, guys? Mistletoe..." I say laughing. "Everyone. Come in the kitchen!" I call, everyone does and bust out laughing. Kian and Sam's faces turn red, well Sam's cheeks got redder and I didn't think they could! All of us start to chant 'do it!' And Sam leans in and kisses Kian.... On the LIPS quickly then ran into the living room and jumping on the couch. I laugh even harder than before and hold onto Ricky to keep myself up. He was basically doing the same thing. I see Jc take Hannah's hand and pull her under the mistletoe. She smiles and kisses him, he does the same. I hear gagging noises from the other boys but they ignore it and break apart.

"I'm bored" Rotem says pouting

"Well what do you want to do?" I asks

"I know!" Jc says running up the stairs. He comes back down with his camera and stand, he places the stand down and adjusts the camera. He does his intro and we introduce our selfs.

"This is going to be a q and a video!" He says, it was simple questions and we all answered each one.

"So are Conner and Rotem dating?" One reads, I looked at Rotem and she was turning red and Conner was too.

"No, we aren't" he says, and Rotem nods. That was the only interesting thing other than a few asking about relationships and hate. We finish and it was getting late. It was Christmas Eve so everyone slowly made their way to bed. Since we sat on the couch Hannah had fallen asleep, I was about to. I decided i was comfy and i cuddle into the couch some more. Until Ricky picks me up and takes me upstairs.

"I was comfy" I complain as he puts me on the bed, I was already in sweats so I got under the covers. I fell asleep with my head on Ricky's chest

Hannah's pov

I fell asleep on the couch and all of a sudden someone picks me up. I knew it was Jc so I fisted his shirt and snuggled into him. I heard him laugh softly and started walking up the stairs, I kept my eyes closed and trick him into thinking I'm asleep. He opens the door and moves the covers and places me on the bed. I curl up and wait for him to get into bed. I feel the bed drop on the other side and the covers moved. My back was towards him and I heard I'm sigh softly and he turned me to face him and pulled me close to him. I smile slightly to myself, he kisses my forehead and I fall asleep.

"GET UPPPPPPPPPPP!" Someone screams and an air horn goes off. I jump up and fall off the bed.

"KIAN?! WHAT THE HELL?!" I scream at him, he starts laughing and I get up rubbing my head. Jc gets up and hugs me. We walk downstairs and open presents.

"OMG! Vidicon tickets?!" Rotem asks happily, I laugh and so does everyone else. Yep we are going with the boys this summer! I got a locket from Jc, new beats from Connor, an autograph from Austin Mahone from Trevor, a camera from Kian, a teddy bear from Sam (I don't know about that one..), a horror movie from Ricky, a Jc Caylen sweatshirt from Vanessa, and earrings from Rotem. We have a lazy day and hang out.

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