20- Please?

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Vanessa's pov

*a few days later*

Ricky and Jc have been here daily but I talk to them at a minimum. I haven't really eaten but I don't tell Ricky that. I know Hannah hasn't either. Just looking at all the hate telling you your fat, ugly, or a slut makes you believe it. I just sit in my room, listen to music, and think. I hear my door open and I know it's Ricky. He sits on the bed

"Hey Vanessa, today Jc, Hannah, you, and I are all going somewhere. So get up and get ready." He says

"I'm not going" I mumble

"Yes you are. Please?" He begs, I get up off the bed and walk to the closet.

"Do I have to dress up?" I ask quietly because I just want to sleep

"No jeans will be ok. I'll go sit in the living room" he walks out. I grab jeans and a shirt then I jump in the shower. I finish and change into the clothes I picked and braid my long wet hair to the side. I doubt they even got Hannah to get out of the bed, I huff at the though of going in public. Why couldn't they let me stay in my room? I walk out and I see ricky watching some tv

"Where is Jc and Hannah?" I ask sitting next to him

"He is trying to get her to go with us" he says

"Yea good luck with that-" before I finish Hannah comes out with Jc. She is all changed and has her makeup on. I'm impressed

"Kay, Let's go" Ricky says going outside to the car. We get to a Taco Bell and we all walk inside.

"What do you want?" Ricky asks me

"I'm ok, I'm not hungry" I reply, he doesn't look the least bit persuaded. He orders and so does Jc. I saw that Hannah and him arguing and I'm sure it's about the same thing me and Ricky were. I just don't want to eat. And I won't. We all sit down and the guys start eating and I take out my phone for something to to. I go on Instagram but my phone was taken out of my hands

"No." Ricky says sternly I roll my eyes. "This time you won't get this back so soon"

Whatever" I say. I sit there for a few minutes in silence just thinking

"Why don't you want anything?" Ricky asks concerned

"I ate back at the house" I say, he isn't buying it

"Eat something" he says, I just avoid eye contact with him.

"No, really Ricky, I'm fine" I say faking a smile. I hope it didn't look as bad as I thought.

"Please? There is no reason you shouldn't want to eat anything" he says

"Oh please there are plenty of reasons-" I stop myself knowing I gave myself away. I thank god Jc and Hannah are sitting at another table.

"No. I will not leave until you eat something." He says seriously

"Well you are going to be here awhile." I say annoyed by his stubbornness. We sit for what feels like forever just staring at each other. I keep repeating 'Don't. Don't. Don't' to myself. I look away from his gaze.

"Why not?" He says raising his voice a bit

"Do we have to do this here Ricky?" I ask looking at my hands in my lap

"Either we talk now or at your apartment. But if you say later you have to promise." He says

"Fine. Whatever. I promise..." I say in defeat. He gets up and throws his trash away. We walk over to Hannah and Jc

"We are going to walk around. Tell us when you want to leave" Ricky says, he takes my hand and we walk out the door. I feel bad for Hannah cause she looked like she was going to cry. I hope Jc won't push it too far.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"Just walking." He says with no emotion showing

"Are you mad at me?" I ask

"No Vanessa, I'm not mad at you" he says not looking at me

"Yes you are..." I say as quiet as I can. I look at our hands and he is still holding my wrist. Why is he doing that? I just ignore it.

"Why won't you eat?" He asks again. Now I know why he won't let go of me, he thinks I will leave. I want to... Should I? If he let's go I could. I bite my lip as I think about it. He must have realized cause he said "don't."

"I don't want to talk about this now." I say irritated with his persistence

"Why not? So we can just wait until later so we can not talk about it then?" He raises his voice, it sounds so angry. He has never raised his voice at me, it is a little scary. I don't answer his comment and we keep walking until he gets a text, I'm guessing it is from Jc cause he turns us around and starts walking back. I don't want to go home.

Hannah's pov

I woke up to someone sitting on the bed with me.

"Hey, go get dressed. We are leaving soon." Jc says

"Do I really have to go?" I mumble still laying in bed

"Yes. Please? For me?" He asks, I sit up and rub my eyes and I walk to my closet. I grab jeans, a shirt, and beanie. Don't judge I didn't feel like taking a shower. I change and put my makeup on. After I just look in the mirror and stare at myself. My eyes are so red from crying but I'm brought out of my thoughts by someone banging on the door repeatedly

"Are you ok?! You've been in there for awhile" Jc says franticly

"I'm fine" I say, he probably thinks I'm harming myself. I wouldn't do that. I open the door and he looks so relived. He walks to the door and opens it and ushers me out. I walk out to see Ricky and Vanessa waiting

"Let's go" he says and we all get into his car. We get to a Taco Bell... I don't want to be here. This isn't going to end well. We walk inside and we get in the line

"What do you want?" He asks looking down at me

"I'm fine" I say, he narrows his eyes at me but turns away to order for himself. We go and sit at a separate table than Ricky and Vanessa.... Why? He starts eating and I zone out and think, he waves his hand in front of my face

"Hannah?" He asks, guess I didn't hear him..

"Yea?" I ask

"Are you sure you don't want something? I have an extra taco you can have" he says, I just shake my head denying his offer.

"no, really, I'm fine" I say smiling hoping he doesn't ask

"if this is about the hate, there is nothing wrong with you, you need to eat" he says sliding the taco towards me.

"no its not about that" I say

"stop lying" he raises his voice. I really don't like people yelling at me


"No. I want to know why you cant just talk to me about it." he says still raising his voice and he sounds angry and hurt.

"I just... I'm embarrassed of it" I say quietly, looking at my hands and trying not to cry. I don't like people raising their voice at me. After I say that Ricky and Vanessa came to our table and said they were going to walk around

"please take at least one bite of it?" he begs giving me the taco again. I take a small bite and I realize how hungry I am, but I know that's what he wanted and I will not let him win. I give him it back and he frowns. "Talk to me"

"Jc. I just don't want anything" I say irritated

"ok, when was the last time you ate something, other than right now?" He asks, I stay quiet knowing it was a few days and I didn't want him to know that... "That's what I thought. If you eat this I will stop talking about it" I take it and eat it

"Happy?" I ask annoyed

"Very. Now, promise to go back to normal?" He says, I nod. Should I keep my promise? Well after that he texted Ricky and we went home

I'm sorry. (our2ndlife fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now