12- Vacation?

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Vanessa's pov

After we watched the movie we all had fallen asleep so I guess we are staying here tonight. Hannah and Conner have gotten really close, it's sweet cause they are like brother and sister.

"Are you still awake?" Ricky whispers.

"Yea, what's up?" I ask

"I wanted to know if you wanted to have a date tomorrow?" He asks

"Of course" I smile. Soon after I fall asleep, in my new boyfriends arms <3

"Hey, it's time to get up" Ricky says. I wake up and I walk into the bathroom and fix my hair

"Well, we are going on that date at 12, yea?" He asks.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"It's a surprise. But Hannah knows and she will help you get ready!" He says. I leave the house with Hannah and we get to my apartment.

"I'm doing your hair and makeup!" She says while plugging her straightener in and grabbing my make up bag. She starts and finishes not long after. I try to look but she won't let me and she starts with my hair. When she's done she hands me a dark purple tank top and high waisted shorts. I change and look in the mirror, I look so different. I don't normally wear make up.

"One more thing!" Hannah says before putting a beanie on my head with a few pins to keep it in. "Perfect. You look... Beautiful." She says. She grabs my hand and pulls me outside and we run to Ricky's car.

"You look gorgeous." he says breathlessly and a huge smile.

"You don't look to bad yourself" I say as he starts driving.

"Put this on" he says handing me a blindfold. I do as he says and soon the car comes to a stop and I try and undo my seatbelt but fail miserably. Ricky leans over and helps me and pulls me out of the car.

"Here." He says taking off the blindfold. It takes a minute for my eyes to go back to normal but I see a blanket and picnic basket on the hill by the park. I smile as he takes my hand and we walk up there together. We get there and we talk for awhile.

"Hey, why don't you look in the picnic basket?" He says. I open it to see two plane tickets.

"What are these for?" I ask

"Trevor told me that Hannah was a bit homesick so I decided to set up a little vacation for the both of you to go home for a week. I got you a small beach house and everything" he says

"Oh my gosh Ricky! Thank you so much! I love you for this-oh um...." I catch myself and I blush a little. He smiles down at me. It looks like he is leaning in to kiss me and I do the same. I hear faint barking in the distance but ignore it. All of a sudden food was taken from the basket.

"What-" he says confused. I see a dog running away with the food and I giggle.

"Your so adorable" he says

"Same to you" I say as I poke his nose. He gets up and offers me his hand I accept and he pulls me up a lot faster than I thought and I fall into him. He laughs and we go to the car.

"Do you want to go to the house or your apartment?" He asks

"Apartment cause I need to pack." I reply

"Oh-right." He says as we sit in silence, but not an awkward one. A comfortable one. We get to my apartment and I get exited to tell Hannah. She keeps saying she misses all her friends.

"Bye" he says pecking my lips. I was still frozen and eventually I get out of the car and wave to him as I walk inside.

"Hannah?! We are going home for the week!" I yell happily. Seconds later I'm engulfed in a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you. Thank you!" She says

"You should thank Ricky. It was all him" I say "go pack we leave early tomorrow!" I walk into my room. I finally finish packing and I check the clock. It's late and I'm tired. I fall into bed and fall asleep

Hannah's pov

After I finished with Vanessa and she left I heard my phone go off so I checked and it was Connor.

Wanna hang out? Heard Vanessa and Ricky are out and won't be back in awhile. Ricky told me not to talk to you for awhile but I can't leave my bestie alone!

- Connor xx

Why not? And sure! I reply

I don't really know, but who cares. Taco Bell sound good? I'll be there in 20.

Yep. C u then xx I text.

I'm already dressed so that's not a problem and I look at my messages... Nothing. I don't really know what I was hoping for but I feel disappointed. I put on my shoes and I hear a knock on the door and it's Connor. We get to Taco Bell and he orders for me.

"I'll go get some seats. Wait for our food?" Connor asks. I nod and wait a minute and our number was called. I get the food to see a boy my age put a napkin on my tray, he winked and walked away. I'm guessing it was his number? I get to Conner who sees it and grabs the napkin. He laughs to himself

"Josh huh? Looks like he likes you" Connor winks I blush. We eat and he drops me off at Vanessa's. I walk in and she still isn't there. I sit on the couch and wait.

"Hannah?! We are going home for the week!" I hear Vanessa yell. I hug her really tight and thank her. But she says it is Ricky. I'll text him later.

"Go pack we leave early tomorrow!" She says. I walk in my room and text ricky thanking him. I pack and by the time I'm done it's late so I fall asleep.

I'm sorry. (our2ndlife fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora