10- The plan

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Hannah's pov

*beep beep*

*beep beep*

I wake up to my phone ringing...

"Vanessa? Why are you calling?" I ask sleepily

"Hey, I'm at the store. Please get up we are going to the park today!" She says happily

"Do I have-"

"Yes! Please go!" She begs cutting me off. I finally give in and I hang up. I jump in the shower and I get some clothes. It was warm out today so I got my ripped blue jeans and a tank top, then change. I go back into the bathroom and just look at myself as I start to think about the boys. I shake my head and get rid of the thoughts as I start putting on my makeup. I put on eye liner, mascara, and some concealer under my eyes. I straighten my hair then I grab the SnapBack I took from Trevor, I smile as I put it on.

"You almost ready?!" Vanessa yells

"Yea one sec!" I say as I put on my white vans.

"Ok we are going to the park to hang out!" She says a lot happier than she normally would... Something isn't right. I narrow my eyes at her

"Ok I'm ready to go" I say a bit unsure

We get in the car and then I turned on the radio. Vanessa turned it back off and looked at me seriously. What did I do?

"What happened yesterday?" She asks putting her attention back on the road

"What do you mean?" I ask innocently

"Oh come on Hannah I know something happened. After I ran into you, you wouldn't look at anyone and you wouldn't speak. And being you that's not normal." She says making herself laugh

I sigh "when I was looking for Jc I was walking and someone grabbed my arm to get my attention-" I say taking a deep breath "it was Jc. He kissed me but I pushed him away and then I ran into you..." I reply. As I say that we arrive at the park, but I see a car that looked like Ricky's... Oh no! This is why she wanted me to come. God Vanessa. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and I saw it was Vanessa, she dragged me over to all the guys. I just looked down avoiding eye contact.

"Hey guys!" Vanessa says hugging ricky. They are so cute, and it's not complicated for them.

Why can't I have that?

"Is that my hat?" Trevor asks. I slowly nod and hand it to him as I fix my hair still not looking at him.

"It's ok. You can have it. It looks good on you" he says and I look up to see him smiling at me causing me to smile back. He has a smile that could make anyone smile back at him.mit was contagious.

"YES! I got her to smile!" He says. After he says that my smile fades and I look to see Vanessa whisper something to him. He has an evil smirk on his face and he walks towards me, I suddenly look at the ground.

"Someone told me that you are a bit ticklish" he winks. All of a sudden I was pinned to the ground and tickled. I was in a fit of laughter as I struggled to get out of his reach. He let go and I stood up.

"Hey we got to go!" Ricky and Vanessa say as they pull everyone in their cars except for me, Jc, and Trevor. I knew it. We stood there in an awkward silence until Jc whispered something to me

"I'm so sorry that I.... Uh-kissed you yesterday" he says softly just so I can hear. I was about to speak until-

"You what?!" Trevor yelled sounding hurt. Me and Jc looked at each other and Trevor started walking away.

"Wait! Trev-" I say catching up to him.

"I though... you liked me." He says sounding very hurt cutting me off.

"No it wasn't like that." I say

"Yea whatever." He replies "I need to go think." He says walking away leaving me with Jc

"I'm so sorry Hannah." Jc says pulling me into a hug

"No." I say pushing him away. He looks hurt, and shocked at my actions but he deserves it. Just because I have a few feeling towards him doesn't mean I will hug him after he did that. I don't even know if I like him or Trevor. He didn't even say anything when Trevor walked away.

"Look I said I was sorry-"

"No. Can't you just understand that when I met you I did like you, but you let your jealousy get the better of you. And now that I've become closer to Trevor you just had to show him that I was "yours". I thought you would have just came and talked to me." I spat harshly. He looks stunned at my words I just turn around and walk away. I hear him calling at me but I don't care.

The park isn't far from where Vanessa live so I walked. I can't believe she set me up to do this. Basically I think I just lost one of my good friends. I hope Trevor can understand. For Jc I feel bad that I snapped at him, but what was I supposed to say? "Jc it's ok that you kissed me and drove one of my good friends away from me" yea... No. I get to Vanessa's and I go straight to my room knowing she isn't there anyways. Tears are threatening to spill out of my eyes but I don't know why. I've never really cried over guys before. Seconds later there was knocking at my door.

"Are you ok?" Vanessa asks softly. I stand up and I just lock the door. I didn't want to talk to her. My phone started ringing and it didn't stop I saw that all the guys are trying to reach me I really only trusted Ricky. So I text him saying not to worry about it then I turned my phone off. I sat for awhile and thought about everything. I heard a knock of the door again I decided to answer it. This time it wasn't Vanessa....

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