3- Your not what I expected

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Ricky's pov

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock seeing it's 11 am. We need to be at the beach at 12. I need to hurry! Cause we are penny boarding to the beach to meet the girls. And that takes 15 minutes. I run into the bathroom to see a complete mess of hair. I fix it really fast and run to my closet. Pulling tank tops out to find the perfect one. I really like this girl. Vanessa <3. After I threw on my clothes I grab a towel, sunglasses, and my penny board.

11:50 SHOOT! We are going to be late. I run down the stairs to see everyone of o2l waiting for me. As soon as they seem me we run out the door and to the beach.

"What took you so long?!" Trevor questions me

"This Rickymanaj couldn't find anything to wear!" I say, I heard laughs from all of them. As soon as we reach the beach we see Hannah and Vanessa sitting on the beach and I turn to Trevor and by the way he smiled I knew he was thinking exactly what I was. Me and Trevor sneak behind them and we both smile at each other. He goes over to Hannah without her noticing and I do the same to Vanessa.

I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder she starts to freak out obviously not knowing it was me. I run into the water which I might add is FREEZING. I throw her into the water and I hear her yelp a little because if the cold water. The next thing I know I was under the water. She pulled me under with her!

Hannah's pov

When me and Vanessa got the beach we laid out our towels and waited for the boys. It was a good 15-30 minutes cause we where early. All of a sudden I heard footsteps behind me but I decided to ignore them. Moments later I felt someone throw me over their shoulder. But I didn't know who. The next thing I knew I was thrown into the water. It was really cold. But just to freak out who ever did this (I think it was Trevor....) I stayed under the water for a long time until I felt someone pull me out of the water.

"GUYS! SHE ISNT BREATHING!" I heard someone yell. Footsteps quickly came close to me and you could hear the panic.

I open my eyes and say "hey guys, what's up?" With a smile as if nothing happened,

The person who pulled me out of the water was Connor. Well he is a swimmer. He looked freaked out, as did all the other boys. I just laughed uncontrollably.

Jc's pov

I saw Trevor and Ricky run over to these girls and throw them into the water. They are really weird (the guys). They were really pretty but the one had perfect long brown hair and.... She was just beautiful. I have a feeling it's the girl Trevor was talking about... This isn't going to end well.

"Trevor?! Why did you do that?" I yell as Connor pulls the girl out of the water and onto the sand. She looked like she wasn't breathing. Trevor looked terrified. I felt bad for yelling at him, I know he didn't mean it.

"GUYS! I DONT THINK SHE IS BREATHING!" Connor yells to us panicking. We rushed over to see if she was okay. The next thing I know the girl says "hey guys, what's up?" But she said it so calm and causal... So I know she was messing around with us. Sick sense of humor, But can I just say already, I'm really gonna like this girl....

Ricky's pov

Once we got back to the rest of the group Vanessa looked cold so I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around her and pulled her into a side hug.

"Thanks" she says smiling up at me

"No problem." I say "do you want to walk down to the beach with me?"

Before she could answer I pulled her down to the shore away from everyone. I saw Trevor give me a smile and a wink. I start to laugh loudly because he pulled the weirdest face when he winked at me, oh god.

"Hey, do you wanna play 20 questions?" I ask running a hand in my hair to fix it, I hoped I looked alright.

"Yea, sure." She says nervously

"Where were you born? And where do you live?" I ask

"Born in Virginia. And I live here."she says looking down at her feet shyly "you?" She asks softly

"Born in Alabama. And now I live here." I say smiling when she looked over to me, causing her to look at the ground quickly, not returning the smile.

She looked a little nervous so I said "here, I'll just ask the questions" with a smile.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Blue" she says and giggles. She is shy and it's unbelievably cute and adorable.

"What's your favorite ani-"

"AHHHHHHHHH!" Someone behind me yells

I turn around seeing Kian flailing his arms in the air running towards us. Not in time though, cause Kian pins me to the sand and I see Vanessa giggling. She was adorable.

"REALLY KIAN?!" I say annoyed for ruining the alone time with her.

"Yes, really Ricky." He says while letting me up. He sees Vanessa and smiles a bit. I knew what he was thinking...

"Hey" he says smiling at her

"Hi" she says shyly

The next thing I saw was kian running towards her and pulling her, More like dragging her back to everyone. Ugh! Kian was weird.


I hope you guys are liking it. Any ideas of what should happen? What is Trevor going to think when he finds out that jc might like the same girl he likes?

Peace out caylen clouds

Love, Hannah and Vanessa

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