5- Jealousy

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Hannah's pov

"Ok, I'll leave you alone now" I say turning around to walk back to the parking lot with Vanessa. As I walk away I expected Jc to say something... guess not. When I got there I saw Vanessa talking to Ricky so I decided to wait in the car and let her have her time.

*a long time later*

"Oh hey Hannah. How long were you in the car?" She asks

"A LONG TIME! I'm really bored can we go back?" I ask impatiently

"Haha ok let's go!" She says as she starts the car. I think she was talking but I was not paying attention. I was just looking out the window thinking.

"HANNAH?!" She yells

"What." I say

"You kinda zoned out.. AND I WAS TALKING!" She says irritated.

"Oh. Sorry." I mumble under my breath.

We arrive to the apartment before she says anything else and I run in and get my suitcase. I get in the shower and put on sweatpants, a tank top, and a beanie. I walk out of the bathroom to see Vanessa sleeping on the couch. Being the person I am I woke her up...

"NESSE!!!" I yell running jumping on the couch "Good afternoon sleeping beauty!"

"SHUT UP AND LET ME SLEEP!" She yells back at me.

"Fine!" I say

I walk to the guest room and look at my phone. I have a ton of text messages from Trevor... and an unknown number.

"Hey, do you and Vanessa want to meet everyone in the morning for Starbucks?


I don't really know what to do.

'Sure, I'll be there!' I reply

UGH! What is wrong with me!?!

*the next morning*

Vanessa's pov

"Vanessa please get up we are going to Starbucks with everyone in an hour, get your butt up!" I heard Hannah yell from the guest room

"Why do I have to go?" I ask tiredly

"Ricky will be there" she says

"IM COMING!" I reply

I run to my room and change then I run to the car cause she was already waiting for me. I start to drive to the nearest coffee place, we get out and start to walk towards the door.

"Hey Vanessa? I forgot my purse in the car" Hannah says

"Ok" I unlock the car and walk back with her

"Are the guys here yet?" She asks looking around.

I was about to answer when I spotted one of my best guy friends Brandon, and I intruduce them to each other. Brandon and I were telling her about the time we had a prank war with all of our friends. I glance to the side and saw the guys were just getting out of the car. They came over to where we were standing and it almost looked like Ricky was jealous, that made we start to smile although me and Brandon would never get together. We just love to hang out as friends.

Jc got to us first and he faked a smile at Brandon.

"Who's your friend," he asks gesturing to Brandon and I saw Hannah also start to smile. I tell him he is my friend.

"How is it going man, " Jc says like all guys that act so chill. Brandon justs nods and says good man but, he had to go. I yell see ya later as he walked away.

"Why don't we go in now, " says Hannah.

I walk beside Ricky and he just smiles which gives me butterflies.

I sit down next to Ricky and Hannah naturally sits beside Jc. She clearly had a thing for Jc but, I hope she wouldn't hurt Trevor.

"So what have you guys been up to, " I ask eager to start the conversation.

**Peace out caylen clouds


Hannah and Vanessa

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