A Date

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Your POV

One year ago you were forced to move to London for your job. You didn't mind moving to the big capital city, you actually enjoyed it. You were currently living at 221B Baker Street with your good friend Sherlock. You met while you were working at the hospital. You were in desperate need of a flat and Sherlock was in need of a roommate. You have been living in London for a year now and everything was great. ''(Y/N), you should get dressed.'' Sherlock said, not removing his attention from his experiment. ''Why?'' You asked, you didn't have to go to work and you were quite comfortable in your sweatpants. ''My brother will be here in an hour, unfortunately.'' You jumped up and ran to your room upstairs. You chose a black skirt and a light blue top and black heels. You brushed your hair and applied some light makeup. You looked at yourself in the mirror and nodded appreciatively. Normally you wouldn't dress up on your day off but Mycroft Holmes was visiting and you wanted to impress him. You had a huge crush on him since the day you met him. You knew about his nickname, the iceman, and you knew that his job was a very demanding one.

You sighed and went back downstairs. Sherlock was sitting in his chair, angrily playing the violin and Mycroft was sitting in the chair in front of him. You walked to the kitchen and made yourself and Sherlock some tea, you knew that Mycroft would decline so you didn't make him one. The Holmes brother were arguing again so they didn't even notice you coming in. You placed the teacup in front of Sherlock and they finally noticed you.

''Mrs. (Y/L/N)! Good to see you again.'' Mycroft exclaimed. ''It's good to see you too. And for the last time, please call me (Y/N).'' You smiled and sat down on the couch with your tea. Mycroft's eyes followed you as you sat down but he quickly looked at Sherlock again when you made eye contact. You were blushing furiously and drank your tea. ''I should be going back to work. Sherlock, I expect you to send me an update next week.'' Mycroft said as he stood up. He grabbed his coat from the coatrack and put it on. ''Bye Mycroft.'' You said, looking at him. Mycroft opened his mouth to say something but quickly closed it again. You gave him a puzzled look and his cheeks turned a light shade of pink. ''Bye Mrs.-'' He cut himself off when he saw the look you were giving him. ''Bye (Y/N).'' He smiled slightly and you felt butterflies in your stomach. You smiled back before he turned around and exited the apartment.

''Just ask him on a date already.'' Sherlock groaned. You felt your cheeks burn and finished your tea before speaking again, ''I d-don't know what you're talking about.'' You stuttered. Sherlock gave you a knowing look and you sighed. ''I can't ask him on a date, Sherlock.'' You felt tears prickling your eyes and you quickly blinked them away. Sherlock obviously saw this and sat down next to you on the couch, attempting to comfort you. ''You are obviously in love with him, (Y/N). It's not hard to deduce it.'' He said, as an attempt to console you. You shot him a glare and allowed a few tears to fall. Sherlock awkwardly placed his hand on your shoulder and you smiled through your tears at his awkward gesture. ''Everyone always says that he's the iceman and that he doesn't feel emotions. I heard him saying that he thinks that people like me are goldfish to him. Why would the British government want to date a goldfish like me.'' You started crying louder and Sherlock pulled you in for a hug. He never really liked physical contact but he hated seeing his friend cry over his brother like that.

You stopped crying after a few minutes and Sherlock let go of you. He stood up and straightened his clothing. He made you some tea and handed the cup to you. You took it with shaking hands and drank the hot beverage. ''I'll be in my room if you need me.'' Sherlock stated as he left you alone on the couch and locked himself in his room. You wiped the tears of your face and decided to not let yourself drown in self-pity. You grabbed your coat and decided to go for a walk.

Sherlock POV

I heard the door of the apartment close and I immediately exited my room to find my phone. I found it on the kitchen table next to my microscope and immediately called my brother. I was angry and I was going to make that clear to Mycroft.

''Can I help you with anything, brother dear?''Mycroft said, sighing. ''You really are the stupid one aren't you.'' I snarled.''Excuse me?'' I took a deep breath to prevent myself from yelling, it didn't really work out. ''I'm talking about (Y/N)! She's in love with you, idiot! You called her a goldfish while she was present in the room and you never apologized! I see the way you look at her and I know that your iceman heart has melted. Now man up and ask her out!'' I shouted through the phone. It was silent for a minute before Mycroft decided to speak again, ''I'm not in love with her, Sherlock. And I've never called her a goldfish either.'' I had to contain myself from yelling again and managed to say through gritted teeth, ''If you hurt her again, I will make you pay.'' I hung up and threw my phone back on the kitchen table and started a new experiment, still angry. 

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