The Perfect Morning

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You heard the door of the flat slowly creak open. Someone was obviously trying to be quiet but failing. Your mouth formed a small smile, you knew exactly who it was. You tried to hide your smile as you continued cooking your breakfast. You heard footsteps come closer and closer until you felt two strong arms wrap around your waist. The curly hair of your boyfriend tickled your neck as he placed his head there. ''Good morning, Love.'' The sound of his soft, baritone voice already made your heart melt. You leaned backwards against his chest while baking the eggs. ''Morning. How was the case?'' You asked. Sherlock nuzzled his nose closer to your neck and groaned, his arms still around your waist. ''I guess it didn't go very well. What happened?'' You chuckled. You absolutely loved it when he showed affection like this. ''You weren't there and I got bored.'' He complained. You switched the stove off and turned around to face your boyfriend. His face was no longer resting in the crook of your neck but was now in front of yours. ''I'll go on the next case with you, promise.'' Sherlock smiled and pressed a kiss on the tip of your nose. He pulled you close against his chest and buried his nose in your hair. ''I missed you.'' You mumbled into his chest. Sherlock chuckled slightly, making his chest vibrate. ''You were asleep almost the entire time while I was gone.'' He pointed out. ''Oh Mister Holmes. I can't hide anything from you, can I?'' You laughed. Sherlock let go of you and kissed you one more time before heading to the bathroom to take a shower.

You just finished eating your breakfast when Sherlock emerged from the bathroom. His hair was still wet and he was wearing your favourite shirt of his. ''Ready?'' He asked you. ''Ready for what?'' You wondered. ''A case, of course! You promised to go on the next case with me.'' He smiled his adorable smile and your heart made a leap in your chest. You were so incredibly in love with this sociopath. ''I'll get dressed then.'' You quickly jumped up and went to the bedroom to get changed. Sherlock handed you your coat as soon as you got back to the living room, he was already wearing his. Sherlock was about to exit the flat when you stopped him. ''Aren't you forgetting something?'' You asked, holding up his scarf. He smiled and stood in front of you. ''What would I do without you?'' You tied his scarf around his neck and pressed a kiss on his lips. ''Let's go.''

You arrived at the crime scene and Sherlock immediately got to work. He stunned everyone with his deductions, as usual, and he solved the case within ten minutes. You were already on your way back to the flat when it started to rain. Sherlock didn't hesitate a single second, he wrapped his long coat around you and turned you so you were facing him. You smiled up at him as he lovingly stared into your eyes. He bent down a little and kissed you passionately as the rain soaked both of you. ''I love you.'' He whispered as soon as he pulled away from the kiss. ''I love you too.'' You replied. He took your hand in his and wrapped his coat even tighter around you as you continued walking home.

You both changed into warm and comfortable clothing as soon as you arrived back at Baker Street. You sat down on the couch and snuggled close to the consulting detective. He wrapped his arms around your body and kissed the top of your head. ''Thank you for the perfect morning, Sweetheart.'' He mumbled into your hair. You sighed contently and closed your eyes. ''You're welcome.'' You hummed sleepily. He kept holding you and occasionally kissed the top on your head until you fell asleep. It really was the perfect morning.

A fluffy SherlockxReader was requested by @hungergames36 so here it is! I hope you all enjoyed :)

Sherlock Imagines and PreferencesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ