You Have Been Warned~Part 2.

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A lot of you have requested a second part, so I'm more than happy to deliver. I hope you all enjoy reading it. I was thinking about doing a Q&A if I reach 100K on this book, so you could get to know me a little better. Would you like that? Let me know ♥ 


You jolted awake, breathing heavily with tear marks on your face. You kept having this nightmare. At first, it was just once or twice a week, but now it was almost every night. And you had gotten scared. What if the dream would be reality one day? Sherlock was always there to comfort you and assure you that he would never do such things to you in the beginning, but he started behaving differently. He wasn't as affectionate anymore. He refused to go to bed when you were in it. You felt like your marriage was falling apart. You tried to talk about it with Sherlock, but he got more distant each and every day. It terrified you. But there was still hope. It wasn't as bad as in the night terrors that haunted you every night, yet it still bothered you.

Sherlock wasn't sleeping next to you once again and you felt lonely. You placed your hand on your growing stomach as you calmed yourself down. ''It's not real. It'll never happen. He said so himself.'' You whispered to yourself. You tried to have faith and believe in your own words, but you simply couldn't. Reality crushed the little hope you had left. You decided to talk to Sherlock about it. Maybe it wasn't too late yet. You felt obligated to at least try and save your marriage. You didn't want your child to grow up with an abusive father or without a father at all. You needed Sherlock and so did your child.

You got out of bed with some trouble and went to the living room. Sherlock was, as you expected, sitting in his chair. His eyes were closed and he appeared to be in his Mind Palace. You walked closer to him and cleared your throat. He didn't open his eyes. ''Sherlock.'' You called. Again, no response. ''SHERLOCK!'' You yelled. He snapped out of it and looked at you. Your eyes widened and you took a step back as you saw the venomous look in his eyes. You swallowed thickly and reminded yourself that it was just a nightmare and it wouldn't become real. 

Oh, how wrong you were.

''Can we talk?'' You asked softly. His gaze softened a little as he saw your frightened expression. He nodded. You bit your lip and thought about how you would phrase your concerns. Sherlock waited patiently, not saying a word. ''You know how I keep having these nightmares?'' You started. Sherlock nodded. You paused for a moment, thinking about your words before saying them. ''Do you still love me?'' You blurted out. You covered your mouth with your hand when you realised what you had said. You didn't mean to say it that harshly. Sherlock lifted an eyebrow and pursed his lips. ''Yes.'' He stated. You didn't believe him. ''Why did you hesitate then?'' You asked softly, tears welling up in your eyes. Sherlock rolled his eyes and stood up. ''You're imagining things, (Y/N).'' He stated. He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you against his chest, resting his head on yours. He used his other hand to stroke your hair.

Normally, you would love it when Sherlock hugged you like this, but it felt so different. There was no emotion in it. It felt forced and cold, not warm and loving like it used to. You closed your eyes and tried to lose yourself in his embrace. That used to happen naturally every time he held you, but you felt really uncomfortable and unwanted. You sighed and fought back the tears that threatened to spill. ''You're not the same.'' You pointed out. You could no longer hold back the tears. Saying those words out loud made it far too real and you broke down. 

Sherlock pulled back from the hug and placed his hands on your shoulders, staring directly into your eyes. ''You're being ridiculous, (Y/N).'' He stated, frowning at the sight of you. ''No.'' You sobbed, shaking your head vigorously. ''I need you, Sherlock. Our baby needs you, but you're not here anymore. You avoid me and you never say 'I love you' anymore. You've changed.'' You cried. Sherlock bit his lip. He felt guilty. He didn't understand why, but he had been acting a little distant. He loved you. He would never hurt you, he wanted you to be happy, but here you were, crying your eyes out because of something he did. He was going to change. He promised himself, you and the baby. It was all going to go back to how it used to be.


_Two Weeks Later_

You came home after a long and stressful day at work. Your new assistant had been annoying you all day and you just needed a relaxing evening to take your mind off of it. You entered the flat and dropped your bag onto the floor. ''Keep it down. I'm trying to think.'' Your husband growled. You looked up from the floor and saw Sherlock sitting in his chair, legs crossed and in his usual thinking position. His clothes were dirty and his hair was messier than ever. His eyes had dark circles underneath them and his skin was even paler than usual.

You opened your mouth to say something, but you immediately closed it when you saw the mess next to Sherlock's chair. Tears rolled down your cheeks and your hand covered your mouth to muffle the sobs. Several empty syringes, cigarettes and a broken teacup were lying on the floor. Your eyes widened in horror. Your dream had become reality. ''Why?'' You managed to ask. ''Go away. You're annoying me.'' He replied. 

His voice held no love or care. It had become cold and harsh, just like in your nightmares. ''No, I'm not going anywhere! You promised me, Sherlock! You wouldn't do this to me. You promised!'' You yelled, tears still escaping your puffy eyes. Sherlock suddenly jumped up and pushed you against the door once he reached you. ''I said go away!'' He hissed. You gulped in fear as you stared at the once caring and kind man. You shook your head, trembling as his strong arms held you tightly against the door. ''Your child would be disgusted if she could see you.'' You said as calmly as you could.

His face reddened in anger. His mouth formed the familiar and horrifying smile. His eyes were cold and emotionless. The love he once felt for you was completely gone. And it wasn't a dream this time, it was real. He had turned into the emotionless, careless sociopath that you feared. ''Let me go.'' You whispered. Sherlock smiled devilishly and shook his head. ''You, my darling, are not going anywhere.'' He growled.

The man you married was gone.

I did warn you.

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