His Vow

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Requested by StaticWeekes

So, this oneshot turned out to be way longer than I originally intended it to be. That's why I divided this oneshot into two parts. The second part to this request will be uploaded shortly after this one, so keep an eye out for that! I hope you enjoy the first part. Let me know in the comments ♥


Sherlock's leg bounced up and down as he kept his gaze fixed on the white wall in front of him. The waiting room was eerily quiet, only the soft tapping of his foot against the sterilised floor was audible in the calm hospital. The closed door sufficed as a barricade between the consulting detective and the two people he loved most, John and Mary Watson. Being separated from the Watsons during a life-changing event for the family made him feel incredibly nervous. He feared for their wellbeing and all he wanted to do was rush into the room, shove the doctor out of the way and make sure everything was alright. However, his common sense defeated his nerves and he realised waiting patiently on the other side of the door was a better option for him. That wise decision did nothing to calm his growing anxiety, though, and Sherlock found himself getting more and more nervous with every minute that passed. 

Earlier that day, the detective had witnessed the most horrifying scene he had ever seen in his life. It started as innocently greeting the Watsons at their house and spending some time with them before heading to Scotland Yard to work on a new case, but it quickly escalated into a traumatic event. John and Sherlock had been heavily discussing a recent case of theirs when all of a sudden, Mary had jumped up and screamed. Immediately, both men had jumped into action and rushed the expecting woman to the hospital. Mary's behaviour during the ride to their destination was something completely new to Sherlock. She was yelling, screaming at him as one contraction after another hit her. The baby was on its way and it wasn't until that moment that Sherlock realised how giving birth actually worked. He had been sitting paralysed in the cab, a horrified expression on his face as he watched the scene enfold. He was too shocked to even be remotely helpful and the hospital's staff banned him to the waiting room until after the delivery.

It had been approximately eight hours since the trio had arrived at the hospital in distress, but finally, after what seemed like decades of anxious waiting, none other than John Watson entered the waiting room. At seeing his best friend and trusted companion, Sherlock immediately jumped up from his seat. A huge smile formed on the blogger's face and Sherlock sighed in relief. ''Everything went fine. Both Mary and the baby are doing great.'' John stated. ''C-Can I go in?'' The detective stuttered. After a nod from John, he followed his friend to the room where Mary and the new addition to the Watson family were in. Sherlock quietly opened the door and smiled when Mary looked up, holding a small, pink bundle in her arms. 

The detective carefully got closer to the bed to admire you from up close. A wide smile spread on his face as he gently peeled back the pink blanket to reveal your face. ''Oh, she's beautiful,'' He whispered. ''Would you like to hold her?'' Mary wondered. At first, Sherlock seemed hesitant. He didn't want to cause you any harm, but at seeing you open your big, (E/C) eyes and looking up at him, he melted and agreed. You were carefully placed in his arms and immediately, the detective was sold. ''What's her name?'' He asked softly. ''(Y/N) Watson,'' John answered. Sherlock gently rocked you back and forwards as you kept your gaze fixed on his face. Soft noises escaped your mouth as you reached out to him. He bent down his head a little and softly kissed your small hand, causing you to giggle in the most adorable way. He laughed along with you and looked at you with a look in his eyes that could only be described as love and care. ''Welcome to the world, (Y/N),'' He cooed, still rocking you. ''I'm going to keep you safe from harm, I promise.'' After a quick goodbye, you were securely placed in the arms of your father as you drifted off.

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